Chapter 16

When I came out, his motor was ready and I was the only one waiting. I looked first for my helmet that I don't know where I put it before, Doodle handed it to me who's obviously been waiting for so long. When Doodle rode, I started the motor then whistled to Wisdom to say goodbye.


*Cataclysm Chapter 04


Avalanche and Sandstorm looks like frightened. "What?" I innocently ask.


"Don't smile like that, it makes us feel that you'll kill us in no time." said Sandstorm.


I stare at them. They really look frightened. "Cyclone please..." Avalanche begs.


I see... I close my eyes because the spirit of writing is in me that I have this spooky aura and creepy look that every person can see wants to pull their own eyes just to not see me. I walked away and went inside the kitchen to drink some glass of water. I really find it strange when they act that way as if I'm going to kill them. Is it that terrifying? I don't really have any idea. I tried to look at the mirror before but it's just a normal smile I see...


Honestly, Light is really obvious that he disapprove about my idea for Avalanche and Sandstorm to stay at my house. He doesn't talk to me though he cooks and clean the house. Honestly, I really don't know what he's doing with his life. He made himself a servant here in my house without a pay. My life is stuck with this painting thingy which my curiosity hits me. I just can't believe that someone is collecting my painting, if that person really collects though it seems she only collects my rare work of art.*


"Are you really a doctor?" Doodle asks.


"Yes, why?"


"It seems to me, you aren't."


I chuckled. "That's really how I say goodbye to Wisdom." I said while chuckling. I stopped laughing when I noticed someone following us. "It seems like you don't have the chance to come and report to work today."


"Huh? Why?" he asked with confusion.


"Someone wants to play with us." I replied. "Don't cling at the back." I said but he didn't listen to me so I let go of the wheel for a while and let him hugged me tightly. "Hold tight because when you fall, there is no chance for me to come back." I threatened then speed up. He tightened his grip, which made me grin a little. I was just shocked to see our pursuers were armed and now presently intends to fire at us. "Do you know how to drive?" I asked. He shook his head so even though he didn't know how I made him hold the wheel and had hung something behind him. I had to stick him to me so that somehow I knew he wouldn't fall even though I knew he would stick with me.


To be honest, I'm about to be deaf in Doodle's shout and chokes because he's in panic at the same time frightened by the firing of bullets at us by our pursuers or how can he last holding the wheel. I took his left hand and pressed something on his wrist, and at least now our every move will be one. So cool! Wit gave it to me the last time we met but I've used something like this before, my last competition wherein I had an accident. I took the wheel from Doodle who's in panic. "Chill!" I just said.


He was about to say something but was startled when he heard a gunshot. "I think I was hit." He screamed in panic.


"Dude, you won't die in just one shot. The jumpsuit that we are wearing are bulletproof even this motor we are riding." I said.


In fact, I am so thankful that this is what Wisdom lent me if not we might have been encounter accident earlier. I'm just upset because of the innocent people around us got involved but we couldn't leave right away because we were on the bridge. I just winced when a black car approached; I have no choice but to left, I knew we were going to slide so I prepared my left palm to land on the ground so that we wouldn't fall down. Fortunately, these rider gloves have special effects that given to me if not, my palm was already injured. "Doodle, can you lock your shoes you tread right now?" I asked while still driving sideways.


"No" he replied immediately.


I heavily sigh. I was driving normally when I held Doodle's hands to hold the wheel again, I removed the thing that attached us for a moment to lock his feet where he was stepping. I had a hard time because I knew my body wasn't flexible, I think I even gained weight from the amount of food I ate the past few days. When I was done, I returned our contact so that he wouldn't fall. Both of our eyes could clearly see how the cars crashed on the road, we also heard explosions at our back. I closed my eyes tightly when I saw that our pursuers were once again blocking us. I noticed a truck overturned, I swallowed when I saw it was going toward us. I need a lot of timing. "Doodle, trust me!" I boldly said then I drive fast then passed the black cars, I could feel Doodle's tight grip on my waist. We landed well; the truck went over the top of our heads from behind and crashed in front of us, I tilted to drive so we could fit; we almost landed on the ground just to fit. I winced because I felt my elbow landed, I could hear the scratching of the safety gear I was wearing and my teeth seemed to grind at what I was hearing so I couldn't help but salivate. I was a little excited when I saw we were close but I also lost the joy I felt when I was what we had reached as we passed under the truck. I felt that Doodle's hug tighten on me again which made me wince.


We saw that our pursuers were already waiting and most of them were already exposed and the guns pointed, they were wearing black hoodie jackets. I looked at the place then looked at the gas of the motor, my eyes caught a little hope that the two of us would live. I move the motor and breathe deep.


"Doodle, you still want to live, right?"


"Of course!"


"If so, hold this wheel when I tell you to hold it, okay?" he didn't answer. "If you want to live… you'll hold the steering wheel when I say hold it later." I start driving like a lunatic. "Can you see that upside down truck?" I asked. "That's where we will pass, that they will definitely not be able to pass." My bold statement. He still didn't utter a word. "I know it's impossible but we will just held up that thing that is blocking that serves as a wobbly window. That's the only small hope we have." I continue to explain.


"Doodle, trust me, we will make it!" I said. "Now, hold this!" we were close even though I knew it was impossible yet we had to gamble.