Chapter 17

I just finished eating and Red almost lifted me into the car.


"I can manage to walk." I said. I'm still talking in human language but sometimes I want to talk in other language maybe he would listen, he's too worrywart. He was about to say something but stop when he saw I was making face. Master suddenly laughed but when I glared at him, he stopped right away.


"Sorry, Rackie. Anyway, let her do what she wants. She will ask for help when she knew she can't." Master said then smiled at me. I secretly smiled, he really knew me.


Before I got in the car, I looked first at the people I would leave behind. I'm a little worried that we might have been followed. "If ever they are too many that you can't fight them, there's a door inside my cabinet you can all hide there." I said then I finally get in the car.


"Sure, go now." Wit smiled at me.


We were in the middle of the road when I broke the silence. "I want all of you to be in the hospital."


Wise stopped driving and they look at me with wide eyes. "Don't say something like that!" I can't recognized what kind of tone Red is using, I don't know if he's nervous or about to cry, I really don't know. "Are you have delusions?" he asked with worried expression.


"No! I just want to let you know what really happened. I heard you asking Doodle." I said. "Really? You really ask him? He may know how to write story but come to think of it, he's still in the stage wherein he's shock."


"Rackie, stop!" Lunar waved at me and pointed to my side. I looked at my side, which was bleeding again. Wise immediately maneuvered the car to get to the hospital immediately." Artaxerxes said, he place the bandage properly!" Red complained.


"Radiance, it's forbidden to curse." I said. "Are you mad?" I asked.


"Oh, Abstract, stop… not funny!" Red replied, annoyed.


"Your name suits you, Red. You're turning red when you're mad." I joked on. "I'm okay, do you see these people next to me? Chill!" I commented. "Why do you two in front, panic?" I asked.


"You just lost your consciousness for five hours, Abstract!" Red said in frustration.


"In fatigue, in lost blood and in hunger… who won't faint when those things happen at the same time?" I sarcastically replied.


"We're here." Wise said.


"You stay here. You need a stretcher to keep the wound on your side from getting worse." said Red hurrying out of the car.


Honestly, I wouldn't really go out and walk just to go to the Emergency Room, I won't dare to even if it's for myself. I didn't realize they were all out. I was surprised when Allie suddenly yet carefully carried me, he was serious and obviously angry.


"Why are you here?" I ask. I got nervous.


He looked at me without emotion then looked straight ahead as he laid me on the stretcher. "Director Art called me." he replied as if bored.


I was felt the panic running through me so I stood up but he carefully pushed me to lie down then glared at me. "Did you contact my parents?" I ask with my eyes wide open.


He glanced at me then looked straight back at what we were going through. "Director Art emphasized that I shouldn't."


I breathed a sigh of relief. "Good!"


He glared at me again. "Will you stop talking in English using that British accent!" he scolded me with his killer Klaus accent from the series The Originals. "Stop using that Hermione accent!" everyone pushing on my stretcher was stunned. I was stunned but when I recovered, I blink a few times. "You two, stay at those chairs, you can't go inside." He told Wise and Master who tag along.


I don't get him, we have the same accent though I speak more clearly but it's the same. He command that I stopped as if the accent belonged to him alone, another thing… I don't mean if that's the accent that comes from me. Why is he complaining as if I'm committing a crime.


I sighed, I knew it, I'll be admitted. I was in a VIP room so that my patients wouldn't disturb me. Lunar is in front of me with my X-ray and CT scan results. He looked at me first, while Master was on the sofa and squeezing himself to lie down, Wise seems to be reporting to his boss while the only ones whom he talk to are his brothers.


"Rackie, are you listening?" Lunar ask. I turn to look at him with all confusion all over my face.


I heard someone clicked his tongue. "She's not listening." said Allie. Oh… Allie is here. "Okay, Aki listen. You have a simple fracture on your right arm, left forearm, and on your left leg, your left shoulder and left ankle is dislocated." He said. Allie raised an eyebrow at me. "Aki, tell us the truth. Did you go to a gymnasium? You have a lot of injuries!" he said. He was about to leave when he suddenly turned to me. "What I'm thankful at, you don't have any fracture on your skull. If that time comes, I'll be the one who will break that skull of yours!" then left.


The door just closed when it opened again and spat Red with a frown. "Why are you here?" I ask.


"I'm here to let you know that it's good that you don't have any hemorrhage on your head." He's a bit taken a back. "But Rackie, you have to make sure you won't have any accident like this!" He said.


Master sat up straight, crossed his legs and arms then looked at me. "That's Rackie for you." Wise suddenly said. "It will inevitably happen again."


"What do you mean?" Red annoyingly asked.


Wise just shrugged at Red then sat on the side of my bed. "Can I lie down with you? I don't want there." Said Wise while pointing to the small sofa, I smiled at him. "Can we?"


"You can't. You move a lot." I joked on.


He chuckled. "I moved a lot? How about Wit? He's the one who move a lot when asleep." we laughed at each other. "By the way, my brother said that he'll be here tomorrow."


I nod. "You can't lie here but I told Art to bring some blankets if he sees anything."


Master stood up then stretches for a while. "It is okay if I'll go home? I have something to do but I'll be back later."


"Should I give you a ride?" Wise asked.


Master smiled. "Oh, I forgot! I don't have my car." He thinks for a while. "No need. No one will watch to that Amazon girl." He chuckled when I glared at him. "I think I'll stay, I'll just do that tomorrow." He glance at me. "I'll think of the things I need to bring." He whispered.


My eyes got wide. "Is that work?" I asked, he nodded. "Wise, I'm okay. I'll message Allie, the rude doctor earlier to come here if you're worried I won't be with anyone. Give Master a ride."