Special Chapter 12 Wisdom Go Part 1

Is she out of her mind? Does it seem like she didn't learn her lesson at all? Then, she let that guy live in her new house? If my brothers didn't tell me that they went there, I wouldn't know. Fortunately, my brothers are talkative and what's worst she's not calling me!


"Sir, you've been summoned to Celestial," Satirical said. Uh, this one too! Every time I see him, he looks like he's been there. Messy hair and sometimes, he has this kiss mark, lipstick stain. What does he do there? Always in a panic to finish his work.


I stood up to go to my boss' office. I knocked and was about to open it when the door suddenly opened and greet me with a hug from the twin sister of my boss.




"Long time no see, man!" she said and we fist-bumped.


"Ma'am Tim, you called me?" I asked immediately because I don't want to stay here and I might end up just like Satirical who is always being called here.


"I want you to be the designer of my wedding invitations." She said, her eyes were twinkling and I think I have an idea already.


"Okay, I'll send you some of the drafts that I'll be able to do. Let me know what was the design you like."


I was shocked because she was well prepared. It's written on a tiny notebook, the motif of the wedding, their vows, and the sponsors.


I was about to go out of the place but I was too late because Leviticus Archangel blocked the way. This is dangerous!


"What do you need this time, Levi?" I asked with a boring tone.


"You look problematic." She said and get a chair and sat there. I didn't answer. "Is it your brothers?" she asks again.


"Nope," I replied dull and short so I can get out of here.


"Uh, this favorite racer of yours... What's her name again? Rocky? Abby?" I sigh then nod. "What happens?" I can see the concern in her eyes.


"I'll tell you later, I'm about to go home, I'll arrange my things at my station first then let's eat outside?" I said so I can avoid her question for a while because I don't want to talk about it here especially since she's the one I'm talking to.


"Okay, I saw this café near your area earlier. Can we eat there?"


"Sure. Wait for me, okay? Where is that place?" I asked. I can't help but be nervous while thinking about where would be that place is because I don't want to be the headline of this place tomorrow like Wisdom Go dating Miss Leviticus Archangel (one of the daughters of the former CEO) the twin sister of the new CEO.


"I'll go outside, parking lot? You have your car right?"


"Yes. You will know my car when you see it in the parking lot."


I saw Levi leaning on my car, she knew my car, I open it but was stunned when she went in without me opening the door for her, so like Rackie, Levi-the-cowgirl. I shook my head and then went in to drive.


"Slow down." She said. "Can we eat here?"


"Okay, Miss Sweet Tooth." I teased. We were about to come to the café when I remember Rackie, she's also fond with sweets. I pout.


We are in the line and I can see the excitement in Levi's eyes. "Hey, you're drooling…" I comment.


She wipes her lips using her fingers and then glares at me. "I didn't!"


I laughed at her and then looked at the menu. "Levi, don't order too much, I'm not going to help you if you can't finish your order," I said seriously while I was thinking if I'll get chocolate muffins or caramel cake.


"Okay, fine! If I can't finish then I'll ask to take it out."


I chuckled. "When did you take out your leftover?" I amazingly asked.


"When I started to have my Dessert Paradise." She said proudly.


Dessert Paradise, the name is familiar but I just don't remember where did I hear it. I nod. We are in front of the cashier and I admit she order most of the menu. "Uh… Levi?" I said to stop her. "Do I need to order for myself or you'll just share some of your order?" I asked.


"You can order your drinks." She replied and then told the cashier all of her orders on their dessert menu.                               


"So, why are you still working with my twin's company?" she asks after we sat.


"Timmy didn't accept my resignation," I replied. "Now, I can't focus on my shop."


"Uh, now I know… so, how are you and Rocky? Abby?"


I smiled at her question. "There no Rackie and I, no us, okay? Besides, it's Rackie not Rocky." I corrected. "You have just linked us together," I said.




"Yes, you and my brothers…" I replied.


"It's obvious that you like her." She said while busy tasting all of her orders.


"She's like a sister to me, Levi. I saw her on the street holding a think envelope as if she was giving flyers wherein that was her resume."


"Hmmm… so you pity her?" she hesitantly asks. "My! Don't tell me it seems like you pick a kitten in the street!"


I chuckled. "No, more on amazed! Because she's so determined. So, when I saw her in a fast-food restaurant, I didn't hesitate to talk to her, and I was taken aback, she's intimidating!"


"How did you make a petite girl say yes to be your rider?"


"My convincing powers run out but I made a deal with her the first time we met."


"Whoa! Knowing you, Wisdom-the-Great who won't ever dare to have a deal with a total stranger."


I smiled. "Yes however I like her personality, I told myself before that she'll be a great rider with her attitude yet she doesn't know how to drive so it was a total gamble for me."


"Wow! You taught her how to drive?" she asks with a surprised look all over her face.


I nod. "She's a fast learner. From a month deal, we had for her to learn how to drive was shortened to three weeks. Then, in a year she's ready for a competition but it seems that she's not ready to come back to work with me right now."


"My! You want her to be back to that dangerous job?" she shockingly asked. "You made her drive at a crazy pace, Wisdy. Is that really what makes you look problematic? The decision she made for not being your rider?" she was annoyed while asking.


I shook my head. "She's living with—"


She smeared. "You are jealous because she's living with a guy and that guy wasn't you?"