Special Chapter 13 Wisdom Go Part 2

"No, not only a man but men, and what's worst… she bought that house from her savings." The spoon she was holding dropped. "That's the thing I'm annoyed about. She's not that kind of girl I knew but I don't understand why does she have to live with those men. Worse, she's coming in and out of my shop with different guys." I said. "I already met the two," I added. I noticed that Levi is staring blankly. "Hey are you alright?" she didn't mind me and was looking at my back so I followed her line of sight. There's a guy who just got in from the shop, I felt Levi hold my hand so I turn to look at her.


"Look who's here. Levi the Sweet tooth." A guy teasingly said who was now standing in front of our table. "Is he the one you chose over me?"


"None of your business! Go to your shining, shimmering, Glimmering!" Levi said boringly.

"Still have feelings for me, hmm?"


"Don't assume, Sapie!"


Now, I was the one who was shocked. I didn't see this coming, the girl I knew who was so strong and who doesn't care about anyone cried over to a guy who was my cousin.


"Okay… I'll go now, bro. Good luck to the both of you, also good luck to you." Sapie said then tapped my shoulder.


I know what happened was awkward. "Levi, did you hear what I said?" I ask to bring her back. "Whoa! Now that I'm saying it to you, you aren't listening."


"Rocky came to your shop with two men already?" she asks. Now, she's back.                               


"Yes, Wise said the men that were living under her house were eight. I don't know what she was thinking, all I know is she doesn't know what she was doing."                               


"Why do you care for her that much?" she curiously asked.


"I owe my life to her." I seriously replied.




My phone suddenly rang. I answered it without looking who's the caller. "Oh?"


"Bro, where are you?" Wit asks with panic.


"In a café near my workplace, why?"


He clicked his tongue. "I see… far from the footbridge. I'll send you the address, okay? Go there right away."


"Wait, why?"


"There's a big accident here on the footbridge near the shop, Wise and I can't go out. Someone called in the shop earlier they said that Rackie needs blood." I stood up from the news I heard. "You have the same blood type, right? You know very well that Rackie doesn't want to call her family when it comes to this kind of accident so hurry!"


"Okay, send me the address and directions, I'll go there as fast as I can." I'm thankful that I'm using Wise's wonderful car. I looked at Levi that was confused by my reaction.


"What happened?"


I closed my eyes. What happened to Rackie is confidential but I can't think of a good alibi. "There's an emergency that needs my help with. Is it okay if I'll leave you here?" she nods then I leave her alone. I received the address and now driving fast to that house. I'm hoping that my brothers were on their way, Rackie might need a few more bags and even if I'll give the last drop of my blood it won't be enough.


Finally, Wise answer my call after several rings. "Are you on your way?"


"Yes." Wit said. "We're still far but we're speeding to get there."


"I see... Did they say how's Rackie?"


"She's still unconscious but the person she was with is now okay."


Then, does that mean she encountered an accident earlier? I suddenly felt nervous, I was nasty to her earlier. It's already night. "What time did they call?"


"Around thirty minutes ago."


I clicked my tongue. "What time was the accident on the footbridge?"


"Morning, not sure what time… you don't usually cross that so I didn't notice."


I got nervous. If that was morning then it means Rackie was the real target. What happened? 'Rackie wait for us. Hold on for a while… I'm on my way… please, wait for me.'


"Are you okay?" Wise asks.


"I'm fine," I replied.


"I think you're not. We're already behind you." Wise said. "Stop for a while."


We park for a while. I was stunned when Wit asked me to go out. "I'll drive."


We finally reached Rackie's house. They are all quiet.


"If you're looking for Rackie, she's in her room." A guy who was wearing eyeglasses said. He also leads the way to Rackie's room.


I saw Rackie lying on the bed, pale. The last time I saw her like this was when it was her last competition. "What are you doing?" I ask the two men inside her room.


"Don't worry, they are doctors. They know what they are doing." Said the guy who lead us the way.


"Lunar, who's among them will donate?" asked the guy who was on the left side of the bed.


"My brother and I," Wise said. "We all have the same blood type."


"I see... Red, you'll do what you need to do. Let's go to the next room." Said the guy who's on the right side of the bed.


"Why didn't you send her to the hospital?" I ask.


"She went home. She won't make it if we'll send her to the hospital. Master called you when Rackie suddenly blackout after she get the first aid kit to clean her wounds." He said while preparing the things we'll use.


"Why do you have those things here?" Wise asks.


"I called my brother, Red to get these things. I was here before she blackout." He replied. "Rackie told us not to bring her to the hospital. She doesn't want her patients to see her also she doesn't want her family to know what happened to her."


Rackie is so stubborn, same as the last time I saw her like that. While they were getting our blood, I notice that everyone panicked. "After this, are we going to send her to the hospital?" Wise asks. It was also Wise who was so persistent to bring Rackie to the hospital before then when she finally woke up, we all got knocked on our heads.


"Have mercy, I don't want to be hit!" said the guy who was standing at the door. Uh… this is Master, the first guy who went to rescue Rackie when she got into the accident before.


"I think, it's impossible to carry Rackie. Her vitals are already okay but if we'll send her to the hospital after giving blood, not a good idea."


"Art, Doodle rests now. Just look at the X-ray results in the hospital, I wasn't able to bring it." Lunar said. Art nods. "Okay, let me know if Barbie woke up."


Barbie? When that clever girl did change her name?


"I want to know what happened," Wise said.


The blood was now infused into Rackie, it's already midnight but she's still not awake. "Hey, Peppa!" I heard Flood say. Peppa? What's Peppa? "Wake up! Earlier you were just joking with us while cleaning Doodle's wound."


"Let's send Amazona to the hospital," Master said.


Everyone laughs. "Earlier you said you don't want to receive a knock on the head."


"At least, if she'll knock my head, I know that she's okay instead of her lying there, unconscious."


"Do you want a knock on the head right now?" Rackie said almost whispering.


I turn to look at her and stared at her… she's now awake! I stood up right away to hug her. "You made us all worried. Please, don't make me worry like this again." I can't help but shed tears. I hug her tight. I felt her hand pulling my hair.


"I'm okay. I hear you, I just can't open my eyes because I'm tired. I'm already awake earlier." There again, she's using her calm voice that it seems like what happened isn't life-threatening. "How's Doodle?" she asks. She let me hug her.


"He's already asleep." Art replied.


"Good. Hoping that he doesn't have any other injury and he won't have trauma."


"Whoa! Did you say that? You were the one who was about to run out of blood and you still think of someone else!" comments the guy who was quiet all along.


"Of course, Sketch! I know, I'm already okay while I don't know if Doodle is okay. I'll clean the blood on the floor later."


"You don't need to, we already clean it. Whenever we see it, we remember your face earlier." Master said.


"I'm already okay, Wisdom." She said. "Eat a lot later so you'll get your strength back." She reminds. "Terric, I want to eat pasta. Cook now, please…"


Even though she said she was okay, I'm still not convinced. She's good at hiding what she feels, that's why I'm not going anywhere.