Special Chapter 14 Artaxerxes Wilton Part 1

I was shocked when I saw Rackie with dad in the hospital.

"Is this some kind of a showroom?" I asked with a crooked forehead. I immediately went to the Neurological Department to look for Red to ask.


Everyone stood up in the department from being startled. "Red," I called then went out.


He followed me to my office. "Art, what is this?" he asked.


"Do you have an idea why Rackie is here?"


He crooked his eyebrows. "Rackie is here? Wait!" he said then he suddenly panicked. "Why is she here?"


I hit my forehead using my palm. "I'm asking you then you'll ask my question back to me? What is this? Are we going to ask each other?" I irritably ask.


"What I meant is, why is she here? Is she sick? What room is she in?"


I shook my head in disbelief, he's still restless when it comes to Rackie. "She's not sick, okay? I saw her with D—" Whoa! this one is rude! Did he rush out? I was about to sit when the door opens.


"Dr. Rackie, this is Director Art." Dad introduced. I was stunned when I saw her earlier but now that she was in front of me, I felt nervous.


"Son, this is Dr. Rackie. She'll be the one who will take care of Storm." Dad said. Is this real? It seems she doesn't know me from the way she looks at me. "I'll tell the details later."


I'm left speechless. I was hurt by the way she look at me for it seemed like she doesn't know me at all. I sigh and then sit but instead of sitting in the chair, I fell to the floor. "Why didn't I think that my chair is far from me?" I ask myself.


It's been a week since Rackie is working in the pediatric ward. She brought different kinds of stuff. Sometimes, she brings a sketchpad, then one day she'll have this big bag with her and what's more surprising, she went in the garden with the kid patients to conduct art lessons without letting us know!


"Rackie!" I called. While the nurses are all in a panic to let the patients go back to the hospital. I saw Storm who was also outside which made me shocked and nervous. "Follow me in the office," I command.


I also ask Red, Air, and Allie to come. "Why did you allow Storm to come out of his room?" I ask all of them.


"I check his condition, he's fine," Air replied.


"I know that Storm's condition isn't that settled but he's with Rackie so it's okay," Red replied. Of all people, I didn't expect that answer from him.


"I'm at her back, watching out just to back her up, in case of emergency." Replied the one who was relaxing on the sofa, with well-spread arms and crossed legs.


"It'll be good for them to go out once in a while. Not always inside their room, besides, I have all their nurses and ask some other nurses to assist out there." Replied the very good girl who planned all this.


"You think it will help them?" I asked. To be honest, I was frightened when I saw most of the kid patients in the hospital who were admitted and have life-threatening conditions were all out. What if their condition got worse altogether… What I'm worried about is that she might lose her job in this hospital and worst, she might not be able to work in any of the hospitals. I sigh. "Didn't you know what kind of risk did you do? Their parents or guardians may file a case against us!"


"I know but I can assure you no one will ever be harmed by those kids in my art class inside this hospital," Rackie said with seriousness and confidence that was looking straight into my eyes.


This girl is giving me a headache. And, she does what she wants, hmm? I won't neglect that she is good at what she was doing. What if I ask dad to let Rackie study once again? I'm sure she'll even get better. Storm never get worst after she came, he also listens to all the nurse and his grumpiness lessen however it seems my brother, Radiance is now the one who became grumpy. I always see Red not in the mood and people were afraid to talk to him. His attitude towards Storm got worse than before. What if Rackie and my brother end up together, oh… I can imagine how he will treat my poor nephews.


"Fine, but Rackie, please… don't do this again, okay?"

"I can't guarantee." She replied.


"Rackie, if you want, you can have one-on-one on them or five kids every day? But not all of them, I'll personally ask permission from their family."


"No need. I've already had their permission." She said. "Their family allowed me and they were all in the side earlier."


I got speechless all I can do is to sit. This girl doesn't only have a stone heart, she also has a firm decision. After a long day, I finally got home. I need to talk to dad, she's getting tougher and more stubborn than I thought.


"Really? Rackie is working in our hospital?" I heard mom ask from the kitchen.


"Yes, and she's really good taking care of all of the patients and even the most stubborn doctors can't say no to her."


"Is that the reason why you hire her?"


"Well… that's not the main point why I pulled her out of her OJT, I just miss her. I can't ask her to visit us here but at least, I know that those two can see her there. If only our son, Red didn't cheat that time… I think we already have grandsons and granddaughters wherein they are running and giggling in this house." Dad said then sighed. "Of all the things he inherits… why did he inherit that?"


"Are you blaming yourself that Art is here?" mom asks.


"No! But I regret what I've done to you."


"It's fine, besides people say that I looked more Art than Red. I love Art, the moment he came here, Red learned a lot also, Art is our son."

"Thank you for accepting Art into our family," Dad said.


"He's also my son." I heard mom says.


I didn't bother them. I got emotional when I heard mom, she accepted me wholeheartedly like her own son. I didn't expect that I'll be able to have a whole family while before, I asked my mother where is my father. Why is he not around on the important days of our lives?