Being a bady again feels weird and uncomfortable. I have no control of my body what so ever.
The first year of my life pretty much went with me sucking tits and peeing and shitting myself all the while I learn how to walk. I said my first word at the end of the year the world being 'Mama', gotta make my mom happy after all.
A happy mother is a happy life.
Second year I continue to learn how to talk, I can also walk around just fine by the time my birthday pops up.
My 3rd birthday was when my life started to get a bit lively. It was the day I was formally introduced to both Rias and Sona and we've been friends ever since and I just have to say that...
They are fucking adorable!
I really can't blame Sirzechs and Serafall from being such a siscon.
Quite weird knowing such cute creatures would grow up to be sexy and beautiful.
Sona is starting to develop her love for chess and also starting to form her strict and law abiding persona that I've come to know from canon.
While Rias is starting to show the loving and caring nature that the Gremory Clan are know for.
I was 4 years old when I learn something amazing about mom, I heard stories about her achievement and prowess during the civil war that I realized that mom isn't just a regular housewife. She's said to be reach the ultimate class during battle and is said to be currently one of the strongest women in the underworld.
If the stories are to be believed, there are only two women that's stronger than mom, Serafall and Grayfia.
It was also the year I started my education.
It was during the fifth year that Rias develop a huge fear of camels. I was there when it happened and it was glorious!
Just imagine a tiny crying Rias getting chased by an angry camel.
Luckily her brother was there so luckly no injuries. It did lead her to have the weakness of fearing camels but it did taught her a valuable lesson not to insult anyone unless they did something to deserve it, which the camel clearly did not.
It was also the day Sirzechs starting spoiling her
On my sixth birthday, I was finally allow to tinker with stuffs which I was very excited about, cause I can finally do one of the things I really wanted to do.
Make my own personal demonic gun.
It was something that I wanted to do ever since I realized devils really don't use firearms.
It's also a way for me to carve out my own path and legacy in the underworld. I have the potential to surpass my father but everything I do will always be compared to him unless I do something unique and different.
Plus, being able to shoot demonic powers like Cayote Stark just seems like a lot of fun.
I've learn quite alot during the past 7 years.
First and the one I consider one of the most important is the clan trait, which all the 72 pillars of the underworld are said to possess. The most famous being the Bael's power of Destruction which was inherited by Sirzechs and Rias from their mother who was a Bael.
The Astaroth clan trait is the power to increase or lower the temperature surrounding them or a specific location or target, a very versatile ability in my personal opinion.
The area of effect increases the stronger you get.
During the war dad was said to have the power to lower the temperature to the point where the bodies of his target becomes too brittle and break.
He has power to boil the blood of the entirely of Japan population if he wanted to. He had refrained from using too much of it during the war due to how it could harm his allies since it doesn't differentiates between friend or foe.
This is something that again proves that this is an AU since there was no mention of such ability in canon which is good news cause more power for me!
The bad news is scum like Deodora also possess the trait.
The Sitri clan are known for their superb ability over water.
So, which one of the awesome traits did I get?
Both obviously!
I first discover I can control water when I was 2 years old.
Long story short, I peed my pants, and remembered that the Sitri's can control water, so with a sudden burst of inspiration I tried to see if I could turn it into a sphere and slowly but surely it worked.
After that I decided to chuck the sphere of piss at dad's leg.
Ah~ I can still remember the smile on mom's face when it happened.
Then I realized if I could somehow mixed the two I could summon a Torrent of boiling hot water or if I can somehow learn to control the temperature of a specific element I could very well create a Tsunami made out of Liquid Nitrogen.
That would be cool.
Second is what the different clans do in a day to day basis in their own territories.
In the territory of the Astaroth clan, there is a prestigious noble schools for High-Class Devils lined up in the territory and the promotion examination center is also said to be the most prestigious in the Underworld.
There are also many factories and manufacturing facilities within the territories, many of the transport vehicles and sport cars are made within the Astaroth territory.
It is one of the richest and developed territory along with the Bael and Gremory territory.
The Gremory Clan has a territory that is about the same area of Honshu in Japan. A very rich territory with developed industry. Though they are very industrious they still have a lot of natural resources. The great lake within the territory is one of the largest in the underworld and is one of the main supplier of fish.
Unlike the Astaroth and Gremory the Bael territory is more famous for it's natural environments, growing various beautiful flowers and delicious fruits, the most famous being the Bael Apple.
Most of the fruits and vegetables available in the underworld comes from the Bael territory.
The Sitri's are famous as healers and hospitals. Instead of focusing on agriculture or buildings industries they mostly focus on growing medicinal plants and making use of the vast nature within their territory and take in many healers who needed materials. They also has a lake within their territory but is mainly use to grow aquatic medicinal plants. It is said to be the most tranquil among all the territories.
The Phenex clan use their territory for tourist and entertainment purpose. They also own one of the media company in the underworld.
And then there's Lucifaad, the former capital of the underworld and former territory ruled by the original Lucifer. It is also the place where Sirzechs Gremory defeated and killed Bidleid Beelzebub, thus ending the civil war in the final battle between the Satan and the Rebel army. Now it's a territory shared by dad and the 3 other Satans.
Learning sure is fun when it's about something I'm intresting in.
Third is the rank amongs the devils which rangw from low class, middle class, high class and lastly the ultimate class devil. The difference between high class and ultimate class is a huge. One ultimate class devils are said to have the power to overpower hundreds of high class devils.
These ranking are not just for power but or social status as well.
For example I, Sona and Rias are high class devil by rank but at are current age we only have the strength of a middle class devil.
Canon Sona and Rias are definitely high class but are definitely among the weaker ones.
Then there's the Transcendent devils or the super devils, the devils which possess powers far beyond what is normally possible for a devil.
From what I know, only three such devils exists, Sirzechs, my dad Akuja and the son of the original Lucifer himself.
I've learn alot during those 7 years and I've been thinking about what I want to do and become in the future.
So after 7 years of thinking I decided that I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do in the future.
Damn...sounds like highschool all over again.
The only thing I know is me becoming the first gunslinger amongs the devil.
*Sigh* I'll just take one step at a time for now.