Canon? and training plan

[Dont mind the previous post]

_____On with the story____

Me being here is already enough to completely fuck up canon, so I've got no reason to preserve or follow canon.

That should make planning alot easier.

If things are going the way I think believe they are the engagement between Rias and Riser won't be happening anytime soon.

Why, well it's simply because I exist. I'm the son of a Satan,I am currently not the heir of Astaroth and I have a very good relationship with Rias and I'm already stronger than Riser and will continue growing stronger, the only thing he has which I lack is experience which I will slowly get as I grow older.

I do not think Zeoticus would past up on such an opportunity to create an official alliance between the current Lucifer and Beelzebub along with the Astaroth family.

Now the question is would Rias accept the engagement?

Yes, I believe she will. If Riser wasn't such an arrogant asshole who saw her as nothing but a trophy wife she might have gone with it in canon. I'm not saying Riser's that bad, hell compare to someone like Deodora he's a saint.

Speaking of Deodora, his betrayal is going to cause more problems than it did in canon mainly because of the nonexistence of Latia Astaroth, who was made heir after Deodora.

And you all must be wondering what the problems are right?

Well, since she doesn't exist to claim heirship it immediately makes me the next heir, which wouldn't normally be a problem unless I was already married to the heir of another house, which I will be if she said yes to the proposal.

If that was to happen I'll be require to marry another woman to sire the next heir when eventually become a lord of house Astaroth since any child I have with Rias would be a Gremory since she's the heiress.

[A/N: Just a bunch of BS I pulled out on the spot]

It all depends on her answer cause the marriage proposal is almost guarantee to happen. If it's yes, I'll get myself a beautiful girl as my fiancee and have opportunity to have two wife which I definitely will not complain.

Yes, I'm not saying no to the proposal. It's way too perfect of an opportunity to pass up on. I've known Rias for close to 8 years now she's kind, compassionate, optimistic and protective. I can definitely grow to love her.

Man, I realize just how convenient everything is, but I'm not complaining.

Next is what do with Issei or more importantly his scared gear. I don't want him and his two friends anywhere near Rias and Sona.

Should I just kill him?



where the fuck did the come from?

Okay, let's calm down and think this clearly.

He himself isn't important, what is, is the fact the he possess the boosted gear.

*Sigh* I'll deal with it in kuoh, no need to stress over it for now.

Then there's the enemies and what to do with them.

In canon Kokabiel completely destroyed Rias and her peerage. So, the same thing could happen to me even if I'm currently stronger than Rias if I were to fight him untrained. Luckily I've already started training in using my demonic powers including my clan traits and I'll be starting my physical training next year when I reach 10 years old.

The goal is to be able to one shot him by the time we have to deal with him.

I also need to convince Rias along with Sona to join in on my training, which should be easy considering how competitive they can be and much they both hated to lose and if things go as plan each one of them should be able to at least fight on equal ground with kokabiel.

Then, there's Khaos Brigade, who I believe will cause us the most problems.

If I can find Arthur Pendragon I could very well pursue him to join my peerage and if I can also get his sister Le Fay Pendragon to join that'll be a great added bonus.

Speaking of Peerage, excluding Arthur I've already got two others in mind that I consider a must have. They'll be my queen and bishop.

One is a decendent of one of the original Satan and the other one is a half vampire. There's also Asia, can't forget her.

Getting them should be easy. Well, maybe except for one since I don't exactly know when she woke up.

Lastly training plans:

physical training is simple, 100 push up, 100 situp, 100 squat and a 10km run everyday for three years, will increase it to either 200 or 300 depending on my growth.

[A/N: Can't help it, its way too perfect not to use it]

Training my demonic power will basically consist of me trying creating multiple abilities with it. At least 5 offensive and 5 defensive abilities. Mind control, manipulation and memory wipe are also must especially if I am to deal with humans, just in case.

As for my clan traits, water control is easy enough but I need to make it more powerful. If I can have the power to flood a small town or two by the time canon timeline rolls in I'll be happy.

Then there's Temperature control, I can pretty much control the temperature of my immediate surroundings easily, what I need to work on is the intensity as well as finding out a way to use it remotely and not just on my surroundings.

I need to find out a way to learn senjutsu along with touki as well, which I have absolutely no idea how. I'll have to ask dad if he knows anyone that I can learn it from.

I'll also need training to be able to properly use Bonnie and Clyde.

No point in having all the power if I couldn't even hit a target.

Lastly, close combat training. I can't be too dependent on demonic spells and my guns especially when someone like Sairaorg Bael exist.

Speaking of Sairaorg I should probably meet him one day.

I'll immediately start my training tomorrow except anything that's physical. I'll have to wait another year fr that.

I'll be getting my evil pieces next year I can't slack off, but for now.

I need sleep.


