Grunting and heavy panting filled the room.
"C-Can't believe you could last that long" Ayame commented lying on the ground sweating and breathing hard.
"I-I co-could say the same thing to you" I huffed out.
It's been exactly three months since our training at the mansion began.
We've been pushing our bodies to the absolutely limit each and everyday, then we'll énjutsu at night before bed and continue breaking our bodies with exercise and training the next day.
It was a vicious but effective cycle.
The good news is the harder we work the closer we get to Unlocking and utilizing Touki.
Touki is basically fighting spirit and life energy. So the more we work the more we get closer to it. Each extra step we take, each extra weight we carry, slowly but surely brings us closer to our goal.
I could try learning Senjutsu first and if I succeed, Touki is practically a guarentee, but according to Nurarihyon and Magari, I should start with it which will make learning Senjutsu a bit easier, and with the rate we're going, two or three weeks later we'll be fully able to unlock and learn how to wield it.
Since most of if not all the training I did back at home were all concerning demonic powers, I decided to completely devote myself to physical training at least while I'm here, except for learning how to control the weather enough to make it rain which requires demonic energy and Nurarihyon doesn't seem to mind.
He is absolutely ruthless when it comes to training, he hold absolutely nothing back. Which I am grateful for but at the same time makes me what to punch him hard in the face.
We did not only just intense physical training but also reflex training where we are made to dodge attacks not only from him but from the other clan members as well.
Speaking of other clan members, I've met quite a few others, the most prominent one being our healer Magari, she's old, gentle and strict. In her human form she's looks like a healthy 60 year old and acts like one, which was nice, since I don't have grandparents in this world. In her cat form her fur is white with black spots and she has seven tails.
Then there's Setsura, the Yuki-Onna. She's cool.
She, like all adult Yuki-onna are basically Yetis like how they were portrayed in canon. She's very kind and fluffy and she's the one that is helping me a lot in learning and understanding weather manipulation, since her species are know to be able to create blizzards anytime they want.
Retsuza is a Kamaitachi a weasel like yokai. Basically he's just a giant weasel that use sickles as weapons. He mostly just laugh at our suffering and gives pointers during close combat training.
Then there's Nakiri-san or Ayame-san like she prefered. She doesn't seem to mind the harsh training, she just that degilant and hardworking.
I also learn a few things about her during the month, she's a little over a hundred year old, 107 to be exact which surprised the hell out of me.
she's quite sensitive about her height, which according to her and Nurarihyon is below average among the Onis.
I just think it makes her adorable but that might be just me.
She's also quite playful and likes to pull pranks from time to time, which was also a surprise since it was quite the contrast from how she was when we first met.
She also started calling me boss for some reason.
"Hey boss, why are you working so hard?" she asked "From what you told me about yourself, you really don't need to work yourself this hard"
"That might be true, but the future is uncertain Ayame-san, in a world such as ours, it's better to be prepared for anything that can happened."
"I guess that's true. Again, I'm surprised how mature you can be" she commented
"I have to be if I'm to lead a group with someone as great as you in it" I answered with a smile.
She just giggled "Hmm, could that be considered flirting, I wonder what Sona and Rias would think?" she smirk.
"Fortunately, it was just an honest compliment so they won't think much about it."
"R-Re-Really, you think I'm great?" she flushed
Oh, yea she's also weak to compliments.
"Come on you two, break's over. Time to polish those techniques again" Retsuza called out.
Two loud groans followed as we went on to continue our training.
Two weeks later one of us finally succeeded.
"WOW! It feels amazing" Ayame said out loud. Faint white aura surrounds her body.
"How exactly did it feel when it happens?" I asked
"It's hard to describe it, it feels like something just pops inside" she commented.
"Remember that feeling Nakiri-san, now slowly relax and try to shut it off" Nurarihyon said.
She did just as instructed as her visible aura slowly fades. She immediately turn to me with an absolutely smug look on her face.
"Hey boss, look at what I can do" she said immediately flaring up her newly obtained power.
*Sigh* "You're going to rub this in until I learned it myself aren't you?" I sigh out
"Oh! Absolutely!" she said cheerfully.
After that day I pushed myself harder than before, hard enough to make Ayame worry, hell even the old man was worried. But after a hard scolding from Magari after I collapsed one day, I decided to tone it down just a little bit.
And it would be a week later that I finally achieved one of my goal.
"UWAH!! it's so intense!" was Ayame's reaction as she looked at me and my flowing aura in awe.
As for me, it was absolutely amazing.
"It feels warm and comfortable" I commented, as I constantly turn it on and off trying to get use to the increase in power.
"It really does dosen't it" Ayame commented.
"It feels so natural, like it doesn't feel like something I just learned."
"That's Touki for you, it's hard to unlock it, which is also one of the reason who most don't try to learn it, but when it's there its fairly easy to use. " Retsuza commented.
"Now come, let's spar" he continued flaring his own touki.
"Oh! Oh! can I join?" Ayame asked enthusiastically.
Damn it!
Senjutsu according to Magari, the basics of learning and developing it is to understand yourself, others, and nature's ki, through focusing one's mind in a zazen posture, quietly releasing their ki, and sensing the natural ki.
Now, I understand why learning touki will make learning Senjutsu easier.
'I've only got one chance in this' I thought as I started my meditation.
<4 hours later>.
"Is he still at it?" Nurarihyon asked
"Indeed, Ayame-chan was done an hour ago, but that was expected. I'm just surprised we haven't seen any sign of corruption." Magari said
"He's different, so I'm not surprised" he commented.
"Hm, what do you mean by that commander?" the old nekomata asked.
"The first time we met I tried to hypnotize him for a while and not only did it not worked on him, he didn't even noticed until I told him. It's like there's something blocking off his mind completely from others, so something like Senjutsu corruption might not even have an effect on him" he explained and share his thoughts.
"REALLY!!" Ayame said in surprised from behind them.
"Quiet down Ayame-chan"
"Oops, sorry. So the boss has super mental defense?! That's awesome!"
"Indeed it is"
I don't know how much time have passed but something just happened. It feels weird, I can feel an increase in clarity and perception. I could actually feel the old man, Ayame and Magari outside the room, I can't see them or hear them but I know they're there.
I could hear the door opening so I open my eyes to see the three entering.
"Excuse me, but can repeat that?"
"You've been at it for five hours, boss"
Damn, can't believe I honestly lost track of time.
"How are you feeling dearie?"
"I feel perfectly fine Magari-san"
"Good, time for more training" Nurarihyon chimed in.
OH! for FUCK! sakes I wanna rest!
A/N: This is a simple chapter.
Two or three more chapters and he'll be on his way to find another member.