Change of plans.

Three month have pass since that particular day and quite a lot of stuff happened during those months. Kuroka has become a lot more relaxed and open around the others and not just me. Our dynamics have also changed quite a bit, now instead of me being the one to constantly give lap pillows, she started giving me lap pillows time to time, much to the jealously of Rias and Sona. I'm pretty sure she's mostly doing it just to get a reaction out of those two.

Speaking of Rias and Sona, I'm surprised just how accepting they are of Kuroka and her making advances on me, only showing irritation and jealousy when she does things like giving me lap pillows.

The only plausible reason would be that they have a talk with their parents and are given some advice on a harem type relationship, other than that I have no other explanation as to why they're so accepting.

Then there's Shirone, as expected even though she has her stoic look most of the time and is still quite soft spoken she's showing a lot more emotion than she did during canon. She also doesn't hide her ears and tails making her more adorable and cute 24/7.

There's also Akeno and Tsubaki. Me and Rias are trying our hardest to keep Kuroka and Akeno away from each other as Akeno is slowly turning into her canon personality and has become quite the tease and putting the two together is just one big recipe for disaster.

Meanwhile Tsubaki finally manage to control her scared gear properly and is starting her training in using the Naginata.


Also during these months dad and Sirzechs manage to get the information about the illegal experiments being done out to the public and just as I expected they received a bit of resistance from the great king faction. Not enough to leave evidence that they're behind it but just enough to make them even more suspicious.

After a few more ups and downs we finally manage to remove the criminal label from Kuroka and soon the reason for her actions were spread throughout the underworld, which led to growth in supporters and sympathizers for her and her sister. A small trial was held and her actions were labelled as self defense and she was finally free of her charges.

Unsurprisingly she decided to stay with us and we were very much happy to welcome her in. Shirone on the other hand decided to stick with Rias and continue living with them, which wasn't a problem for them as they could visit and see each other almost anytime they want. And just as I expected Shirone decided to joined Rias' peerage as her rook.

This surprised almost everyone, well everyone except me and her sister. Me because well it I kinda knew it was bound to happened and I believe she discussed it with Kuroka before making the decision.

What I did not expect was the effect it will have on Kuroka. After her sister went and join a peerage, it seems she suddenly developed an interest in joining another one as well. Which was surprising since I honestly thought she would take a lot longer that a few months to even stomach the thought of joining another one considering the disaster that was her previous peerage.

The fact that it was my peerage that she wanted to join is giving a bit of a problem, a problem I did not expect to have. Do I not want her as a member? Of course I do, so why am I hesitating? Well taking her is going to disrupt some of the plans I've made.

Is Kuroka worth screwing over all the future plans I've made for my peerage? Hell Yea! She's worth it!


So here I am thinking up quite the number of alternate plans, while also thinking of what piece I should use on her. The queen, bishop and pawn pieces are my best options I have.

But there are small problems to using some of the pieces. If I use the queen piece on her, then I have no piece to use on Ingvlid Leviathan, cause the only other piece that fit her beside the queen piece is the bishop piece, and by the time I meet Ingvlid, the two bishop piece would already be used up.

If I used the bishop piece, I'm either not getting Valarie or Le Fay, since I believe no other piece fit the two except the bishop piece.

Lastly are the pawn pieces, my safest bet. She's currently worth 4 regular piece or 2 mutated piece. It's honestly is the best option I have right now.

*Sigh* I'll really have to think about this thoroughly before I come up with a decision.

It was during this time that I decided to give Sona a bit of help in strengthening her peerage. It was honestly a bit unfair how weak her peerage was compared to Rias in canon, well that was until she got herself a grim reaper and a werewolf but other than the two mentioned most of her peerage are literally just humans who somehow got to know the existence of the supernatural world.

She needs a power boost and just like Kuroka, I'll have to change my future plans but she's well worth it.


Then came the next problem, well its not really a problem but more of an annoyance and a headache. Social gatherings.

Mom and dad has a dislike for such events and have been avoiding a lot of them and just like them I too dislike such events as well and have only been to one and I hated it.

The same could be said for Sona and Rias. I believe I have influenced them a bit and made them dislike such gatherings as they have only been to only one event as well. Sona's birthday doesn't count.

I could just skip the event and not attend it like I always do, but apparently the event is going to he hosted to formally introduce the younger generation of high class devils which included our generation as well as the one just before us to the underworld, which also means that devils like Diodora and Riser would also be there to get the spotlight. The event is going to be hosted by the Bael clan and is shaping up to be one of biggest gathering ever setup. So unless I want to drag the family reputation down, I need to attend.

It's honestly just a stupid event setup by the great king faction to gather young up and coming devils to see who has the most potential, mark and monitor them and to try and slowly get said devils under their thumb.


The only good news about the gathering is the opportunity to meet other prominent characters like Sairaorg, Seekvaira, Riser and her sister Ravel. It's really is about time I get to know Sairaorg and possibly make him a friend. He would be an instrumental figure later on and I'm going need him as an ally, especially if I one day have to deal with the Great king faction somewhere in the future.

Then there's Seekvaira, me being here essentially got in the way of her making friends with Sona and Rias. Let's just hope they can still at least be acquaintance with each other.

If I'm not mistaken, influential figures like Diehauser Belial would also be attending the event, it's honestly the perfect opportunity to try and get on his good side but I don't know if I could even get the chance to talk to him.


The other good news is that I'll be able to leave for Britain immediately after the event, hopefully I won't have to spent much time like I did back in Tokyo.





A/N: I'm changing up a few plans I made as you've all just read.

Sona is getting someone I originally planned for the MC.


We'll be meeting Sairaorg and Seekvaira very soon.


Also, Bishop or pawn piece for Kuroka? Keep in mind that she can fight close combat like her sister. I'm leaning for the pawn piece since I've already got candidates for my bishops like I've mentioned in the chapter.


