War King of the Eastern Region! Han Kai!


Zhao Chengzhou was stunned. He didn't know what Hua Zhongguo meant.

Then, Hua Zhongguo passed behind Chu and Chen family that did not have a conflict with Qin Bei and came to Han Derun's side.

"As for the Han family! Your son Han Weizhao abused his authority to bully others! He even wanted to lay his hands on my great-grandson! Your son's death is totally because of himself! As for your Han family's matters, there will naturally be someone settling scores with you later on! Now, can you tell this old man, who's the evil one? Who's the one with poor morals?"

Every word that Hua Zhongguo said struck them and made the family heads unable to lift their heads.

"But… Old Master Hua, even so, my son Han Weizhao can't die for nothing. This woman must pay a price!" Han Derun said indignantly.

"Hmph! I didn't say that I wouldn't allow you to ban my granddaughter. If you want, you can do as you please!"