Battle Between Two Kings!

"Gu Xiaofeng, are you trying to stop me too?" Han Kai asked coldly.

"Han Kai, if I told you that I'm saving your life by doing this, would you believe me?" Gu Xiaofeng teased.

Han Kai thought Gu Xiaofeng was just spouting nonsense. "Hmph! Gu Xiaofeng, our abilities are on par! So what if you can hold me back? My subordinates can still kill this woman!"

"Try touching her!"

Gu Xiaofeng's expression turned cold as he retreated to Su Qingying's side.

"Sister-in-law, my brother will be here soon. Don't worry, with me around, you'll be fine."

"Yes, yes, I believe you," Su Qingying nodded quickly.

"Han Kai! I'll give you one last piece of advice. If you don't want to die, stop immediately!" Gu Xiaofeng warned again.

"Gu Xiaofeng, you are not enough to threaten me! Let me tell you the truth! When I returned this time, there is also a 10,000 men army from Eastern Region being deployed to Qingzhou! I would like to see who can kill me today!"