Elder Ji (1)

"You're teaching me how to do things?"

Qin bei's eyes were menacing. He waved the great Xia Dragon Sparrow saber in his hand and suspended it above mu yuanzhou's head!

"Dad ... Save me, I don't want to die yet, please save me ..."

Mu yuanzhou screamed in horror. An invisible pressure hovered above his head, making his scalp numb! A chill went straight up to his head!

"Qinbei! Let go of my son!"

Mu chengtian's eyes instantly turned red as he pointed at Qin bei, extremely furious!

He was the commander of the shangjing battle zone!

His beloved son was being stepped on at this moment!

Is the general of the southern region really lawless? Don't you know mu chengtian's anger?

mu chengtian, I'll only give you one chance. Where did the Qin family's Secret operations go?!

Qin bei held a saber with one hand and faced over ten thousand capital city guards alone. His aura was overbearing, and they were evenly matched!