He is of the GUI family bloodline (1)

Qin bei's eyes were fixed on shangjing, and there was an indescribable depth in his eyes.

That was the place where he was born. His beautiful memories and painful memories all existed in shangjing!

The great Xia's Dragon Sparrow saber buzzed. It was Qin bei's killing intent that was trembling!

"Elder Ji, Did You Know? I'll never forget my life in the Qin family."

"I will never forget that when I was young, I was framed by the Qin family's mistress for stealing her jewelry. She ordered the servants to whip me thirty times in front of the Qin family."

I also can't forget my mother's helpless and pained eyes. She could only secretly apply medicine for me in the dead of the night.

although I have the bloodline of the Qin family's head, the entire Qin family has been bullying me and my mother because my mother is a servant. My father, on the other hand, turned a blind eye to all of this!