Miao xiaoman's peculiar emotions (1)

"She likes me? Are you kidding me? We just got to know each other." Qin bei was a little surprised.

big brother, you're really a straight man. When you barged into shifang evil temple and killed everyone, you saved Miao xiaoman. She was at the age of a young girl's first awakening of love. Who wouldn't like a man like you? " Xu tiance suddenly said.

"So it's like this."

Qin bei was suddenly enlightened, but this was simply impossible!

He had a wife. How could he be with Miao xiaoman?

alright, he saved me after all. You should go and take a look. Su qingying said gently and considerately.

alright then. You rest first. I'll come and accompany you in a while. Qin bei instructed.

by the way, tiance, go and investigate my fifth uncle's whereabouts immediately. Qin bei suddenly asked Xu tiance to investigate Qin Qi's whereabouts.

He had no news of Qin Qi before, so he couldn't find him.