Haggling devil Miao xiaoman (1)

Soon, Li si returned with a tray with a few pieces of jewelry on it.

"Beauty, what do you think of this? The silver Peacock steps was used by large families in ancient times! It's been two to three hundred years since then. Whether you wear it or collect it, it's worth it. " Li si introduced with a smile.

"How much is this?" Miao xiaoman asked.

"Eight thousand! The price is definitely fair." Li si stretched out his hand and showed an eight.

"Eight thousand?"

Su qingying furrowed her brows. 8000 Yuan for a dangling ornament? Moreover, who could tell if the things here were real or fake?

Su qingying was about to speak, but Miao xiaoman spoke first.

"Eighty!" Miao xiaoman said.

"I'll go ..."

Qin bei almost burst out laughing. Miao xiaoman might look innocent, but she was not stupid.

This haggling directly made the other party dumbfounded.

The smile on Li SI's face froze the moment he heard the price Miao xiaoman had announced.