The Qin clan declares war, Grand elder advances to battle Emperor

Shang Jing, the Qin clan's elder compound!

The Qin clan's Grand elder announced to the world that he was going to hold a huge birthday banquet in the name of his 100th birthday! Inviting all the experts in the world!

The news immediately caused a huge sensation in the Dragon Kingdom!

The six Gentry clans and experts from all over the country rushed to shangjing upon hearing the news.

Luxury cars lined up from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. From a distance, it looked like a huge Dragon!

Ordinary people thought that this was just an ordinary birthday banquet and wanted to curry favor with the Qin clan.

As long as a small number of people realized that the purpose of this birthday banquet might not be that simple!

Red lanterns were hung in the huge elder's courtyard, and the word " longevity " was written on them.

"First elder, second elder, and third elder have arrived!"