Blade Master ye Kuang Ren (1)

That's right!

The three old men of the Dragon Kingdom and the five old men of the Qin clan were figures of the same generation. In fact, their strength back then was even slightly higher than the five old men of the Qin clan.

Otherwise, after the dark forces retreated in defeat, the three old men of the Dragon Kingdom would not have been able to sit on the ruling position and the five old men of the Qin clan would have to retire from the scene!

For a moment, everyone started to worry again!

The three old men of the Dragon Kingdom had not fought in public for decades. Who knew what their true strength was?

What if all three of them had advanced to battle God? wouldn't that be bullsh * t?

After all, the second and third elders of the Qin clan were still at the ninth stage of the battle ancestor realm and had yet to step into the battle Emperor realm!

"This is impossible!"

Suddenly, the second elder stood up and said, "