Battle to the death! Don't retreat!(Part 2) _1

As the dark forces 'Army started to move out, the atmosphere of the battlefield instantly became tense!

When the dark forces 'Army had advanced fifty steps and were only a few hundred meters away from the Dragon Kingdom's Army, Qin bei had already started to raise his Dragon Slayer saber slowly!

"Brothers! Follow me! Kill!"

Qin bei was at the forefront, leading the charge towards the dark forces 'Army!

Behind him were Tuoba Hong, Xu tiance, Nangong Ming, Gu Xiaofeng, and the other high-ranking officials of the southern region Army!

"Brothers of the eastern region Army! Follow me! Kill!"

Xu Zhan, the general of the eastern region, was not to be outdone. He drew his saber and charged at the enemy!


Following Qin bei's lead, the six million soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom began to move!

The two forces added up to nearly ten million people!

As tens of millions of people ran, the entire earth began to shake!