The arrival of the Monarchs! Part 1) _1

"Azure-robed sword immortal! The three-foot sword!"

Emperor Yin Shi glared at the three-foot sword Emperor with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Blood eye! Go and help qixue!"

Emperor Yin Shi had sent blood eye Emperor to assist Emperor weeping blood!

He wasn't worried that the weeping blood Emperor would be defeated. He still had a lot of faith in the weeping blood Emperor's strength!

However, the three-foot sword Emperor's defense was simply too invincible! The weeping blood Emperor would definitely be held back by him. If that happened, the dark forces would suffer heavy losses once again if the Dragon Kingdom sent out their fighter jets!


The blood-eye Emperor nodded and flew toward the weeping blood Emperor.

"Oh? Two against one? This is interesting!"

"Amitabha! Excellent! Excellent! Weeping blood, blood eye!