I Would Never Forgive Her

I quickly answered the call and placed the phone in my ear. "Hello, Teacher Qin? Is anything the matter?"

Her voice came from the other end. "Hello, have you reached home with Qiqi?"

I quickly replied, "I already sent Qiqi home. I'm back at the construction site now."

But I was mumbling to herself.

This pretty girl actually took the initiative to call me. Did something urgent happen?

Teacher Qin was silent for a while before saying, "Do you remember when you went to book a table at the restaurant, Qiqi was with me? You definitely wouldn't have guessed what that little fellow told me."

Of course, I remembered. "What did he say?"

Teacher Qin said slowly, "He said to me, Teacher Qin, my father doesn't have money now. When we order food later, can you order cheaper food?"

I couldn't help but shudder.

I really had no idea!

I didn't expect Qiqi to be so sensible!

He was only six years old!