I Want to Marry Teacher Qin When I Grow Up

This was not flattery. She was gentle and beautiful. There would definitely be a long queue of men wooing her.

Wait. No, wait. She was so pretty. She shouldn't be single now.

Most likely, some brat had already gotten lucky!

Moreover, she lived in Blossom Garden District, which wasn't a place she could afford with her salary. Most likely, it belonged to her boyfriend or husband.

A faint red blush appeared on Teacher Qin's face. "There isn't."

Qiqi added, "Every time I go to class, I see someone sending flowers to Teacher Qin!"

Teacher Qin patted his head gently and pretended to be angry. "Qiqi, how could you spill my secret?"

I quickly picked up Qiqi and changed the topic. "Let's go! We'll starve if we stay here any longer."

When we reached the restaurant I frequented, I made up my mind and asked for a private room.

Since it was a treat, I might as well splurge.