I’ll Introduce to You a 300-Billion-Year-Old Lady (Part 3)

[Ao Long: Hypocritical!] 

[Feng Wu: Well, this is the Buddha of Joy for you!] 

[Tian Fozi: I'm not! Absolutely not. I'm the purest! The Lord Buddha also said that I have a delicate and pure heart of Buddha.] 

[Feng Wu: I'm chuckling right now! Even the Buddha of joy is also a Buddha!] 

Jiang Ming shivered as he read through the conversation. They were all too violent. Especially Feng Wu, who used to be very reserved, had now become so forthright that it was terrifying.

Jiang Ming opened the Human Path Record to take a look.

Good heavens! No wonder she became like that!

It turned out that the grand elder in her clan told her about her match. Apparently the other party had great qualifications, excellent aptitude, refined temperament and even of a noble identity.