Riyue Changfeng, Wandered Through the Long River of Chaos

Phoenix Junior Sister came pacing over in the air with a person by her side.

"Greetings, senior uncle!" Mo Xiaoyu was still a young little girl, but she had a serious look on her face as she came to pay homage to Jiang Ming.

"How's your training coming along?" Jiang Ming was quite satisfied with this disciple of his Junior Sister. At least she was not a naughty one. Most of the time, she meditated alone, asked Xi Yao occasionally for advice and went to the main peak to practice. 

"Reporting to my senior uncle, I'm already in the False Core Formation Realm now!"

"False Core Formation? Not bad!" Jiang Ming nodded. 

The fact was that she was considered very slow already. After all, the current Tianyuan World had undergone great changes, and the immortal spirit was dense. While improving the physique, it also allowed cultivators to improve their cultivations rapidly.