The Enemies of Linglong’s Parents 

This single remark of a Taiyi Expert beheading a Demi-sage, shocked all of the experts present.

Even Yun Zizai was shocked. He knew too well what it meant.

The other experts however, were very puzzled. As of the world today, were there any other Demi-Sage Experts? They then thought of the same person.

"You mean the Great Demon Venerate?" Tai Yuan asked.

Jiang Ming shook his head, and didn't continue further. Instead, he asked, "You haven't answered me yet. Why have you been having trouble with me? You clearly know that even when the Great Demon Venerate came here in person, I was able to force his retreat. However, you still wanted to deal with me. Could it be that I am a variable that will affect your plan?"