Invasion from the Chaos Realm

Linglong stopped on her tracks not far from Vermillion Bird, the palace master of the Demon Holy Palace. She looked indifferent on the surface but her murderous intent was already raging within.

Standing beside her were nine of her clones. 

"Fellow Daoist Linglong, there shouldn't be any grudges between the two of us right?" Vermillion Bird frowned, feeling extremely uneasy.

After carefully combing through her memories of the past, she confirmed that other than the slight contradictions she had with Jiang Ming, she didn't have much interaction with this junior sister of his.

It was when she suddenly looked over at Junior Sister Phoenix that her expression changed. The memories of the past started to resurface from the back of her mind. She remembered now. Back then, Phoenix Fengli was pregnant. Vermillion Bird found out that Phoenix Fengli had already given birth to the child at some point yet she was unable to find the child however she tried.