Found a Sense of Belonging (2)

Previously, there was Long Yue and Xin Ba. Now, this human prodigy had fallen into Li Yu's hands.

However, compared to Long Yue and Xin Ba, Feng Xian's outcome was not as bad.

Of course, many people did not find Feng Xian embarrassing. Instead, they believed that he had encountered a great opportunity.

This was a chance that many people could only dream of.

Li Yu was clearly extraordinary. Although he had never appeared on the Excellence Rankings at this stage, his stunning achievements had never been absent.

Furthermore, his legend was written on the Sons of Heaven Rankings.

With his lead, many disciples of the Qingyun Sect entered the Immortal Spirit Realm in succession in just one month.

Some disciples who did not appear on the Sons of Heaven Rankings at the start also improved at a terrifying speed, and their rankings rose steadily.