The Mystery of the Disappearance of the People in the Lingtian Mystic Realm (1)

With Feng Xian's help, Li Yu and Ji Qinglan finally opened the Sword Sect's treasury.

The array formation securing the treasure vault was incredibly complicated. Several different array formations were interconnected, and any problem with one of them would lead to failure.

According to Feng Xian, the person who set up these array formations back then was definitely a genius second to none in array formations.

In order not to damage the treasures in the treasure vault, Feng Xian took meticulous care in the process of cracking them. It took him three days to solve all the array formations.

Finally, they successfully opened the treasure vault door.

The items in the treasure vault were worthy of their efforts.

All the cornerstones of the Sword Sect and their prized treasures were inside. It took Li Yu and the others a long time to collect and move them out.

A small mountain of treasure piled up on the Misty Immortal Island.