The Mystery of the Disappearance of the People in the Lingtian Mystic Realm (2)

Of course, Li Yu was naturally pleased to see his junior brothers become stronger. He was also happy to see his junior brothers become experts who no longer needed his protection.

This way, he could have more free time in the future.


As they spoke, muffled thunder suddenly resounded through the world. The surrounding void trembled slightly, and the power of heaven and earth seemed to begin fluctuating violently.

A strange light emerged from the distant sky, and circles of ripples appeared in space.

This sudden change made everyone's expressions turn serious as they looked at the strange light in the distance.

"Did something appear there?" Li Yu was curious.

"Eldest Senior Brother, I'll go take a look!" Gu Yuqi was enthusiastic. Before he finished his sentence, he had already rushed over.

However, in the next second…


Gu Yuqi seemed to have hit a transparent barrier as he got bounced back.