The Heaven Shrouding Door Is Actually... (3)


The ground shook, and space fluctuated slightly. Countless power of heaven and earth gathered towards the circular platform and the door.

Immediately, an illusory door slowly condensed between the heavens and the earth. The space inside was like the water surface, rippling slightly and emitting a faint halo.

An ancient aura and energy filled with primordial energy spread out from the door.

"It's open!" Li Yu looked at the door excitedly. "Let's go in!"

As he spoke, he flew into the door first. Immediately, as if he had plunged into water, it splashed in the sparkling space.

Everyone was a little surprised to see this. Why did this Heaven Shrouding Door feel like a lake?

However, no one thought much about it. After following Li Yu, they flew into the Heaven Shrouding Door one after another.