So It's Emperor Yu (1)

Li Yu withdrew his gaze from the distance and looked at the woman who had spoken earlier. "Is your Holy Lord here?"

"You haven't told me who you are and where you came from." The woman asked.

"My master is the Eternal Emperor of the human race—Emperor Yu! Kneel now!" Changjiang No. 7 announced loudly.

As soon as he said it, the women present were shocked as they looked at Li Yu in disbelief.

They had naturally heard of Emperor Yu's name. He was one of the five emperors of the human race and the leader of the five. He was also the first emperor in history who had founded the glory of the human race. He had done a lot of good and was worshiped by everyone.

In fact, many ancient sects and Holy Lands that had existed for a long time worshiped the statue of Emperor Yu.

For example, the ancestral hall of their Holy Land worshiped the statues of the five emperors.