This year I've been pretty careful and picky when choosing scripts, since I have been doing the romcoms for almost my entire career I just hope to try something different this time, a different genres, I just want to step out of my comfort zone and take up a challenge, I want a movie iam going to have fun shooting....not one where I feel like the scripts and stories are nothing different, Ai man is still on odds with the idea but once I get on board with Director Choi Yin's new project which is already anticipated to be a bunger...she won't be able to say no..." Did you manage to score an appointment with him?" I asked Eric who looked rather disappointed," Well i couldn't..his secretary told me that he's at a family vacation in Xi Yan...and will only be back in a week's time..maybe we can wait till then." he said as i kept quiet and thought," Did you say Xi Yan...? where have I seen that ...." I asked my self as I looked besides me and saw the honey moon tickets..." Xi Yan!!" I exclaimed as I picked up the tickets cheerfully.




" Hello." I said to Jiang Hao who had given me a call," How are you?" he asked as I replied," Well...are you at home?" he asked," Well no..I had gone back to my house to pick up a few things.." I replied as I grabbed my suitcase," I'll pick you up...let's have dinner together." he said as he immediately hang up," What was that?" I thought to my self as I locked up.

Since he had said to pick me up, I waited outside my house for him, it didn't take long since he came, I wasn't sure why we were suddenly having together but I figured he must no have wanted to repeat the same cooking error he did in the morning," Hope you didn't wait long." he said as he showed me to the car, Eric then put my bag in the car and off we went.



" Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked," Uhhmmm do you empty the restaurant each time you going to have dinner?" I asked as I looked around," Well it's better this way..other wise you'll just turn into a tourist attraction, people will just be taking pictures of you and even asking for photos and gets uncomfortable." he replied," Plus I only emptied a part of the restaurant..." he added," So what will you have?" he asked as I looked through the menu," Uhmmmm....iam not really familiar with the food here so how about you order." I replied as I handed him the menu," Okay then...the steak is good...let's have that plus some wine?" he asked," Okay." I replied as he gave in our order.

The steak was as good as he described it to be," So...what's with the sudden dinner arrangement?" I asked," what do you mean sudden...can't I have dinner with a friend..wife...wife friend?" he said as we both laughed," Well Ai man gave us tickets to Xi Yan for our honey moon." he said," I wanted to ask if it was okay with you to go..?" he asked," Well of Ai man said we go then let's it's what a married couple does after the wedding." I replied as I suddenly regretted saying that last statement," Right....right." he replied," Have your dinner before it gets cold." he added as we continued having our meal.



" Why is the honeymoon so sudden...I don't have enough time to prepare your honeymoon kit for you." Alia said as I became curious on which kit she was implying," Which kit?" I asked as she brushed off the question," Don't worry I help you at the cafe while you off." she said," Thank you and endeavour to give me a call incase of anything." I added as I hunged up and continued with my packing, Jiang Hao had told me that we were leaving early in the morning and so I packed up my bags and went to bed early.



Xi Yan was as beautiful as it looked in the pictures I found on their had all the amazing sceneries and the air seem different from that in the city...I stared out side the car window as it hit my face," Be careful..." Jiang Hao said as I sat back..." and scrolled through the pictures I had taken."

We checked into the hotel and I couldn't help recognise Jiang Hao's fans taking secret photos of us, some even approached him and took more..." 304..this is it." Jiang Hao said as he unlocked the door and as we walked it...a huge suprise was waiting for us..the room was decorated for lovers as it should be since we are a couple on their honey moon but for a contract couple it was really awkward...." Uhhmmm I'll call the house manager and ask them to get rid of some of these stuff.." Jiang Hao said as I also panicked to find my way to the bathroom," I have some business to do..but let's meet up for lunch later." he said," Okay." I replied as I had him leave.




" Have you met him?" Eric asked," Not yet..are you sure he's at this hotel?" I asked as I looked around," Iam more than sure..." he replied as I hang up and continued to look around.

"How hard can looking for a man and his family be." I thought to my self as I sat at the bar counter," What may I get you?" the bar attender asked as I looked through his options," I'll have a ...." I said as I noticed Choi yin sitted somewhere for a distance..." I'll have wine..just bring two Glasses on that table over there." I said as I cheerfully went over...we had met a few times before at awards or movie events but have never said anything beyond a Hello or nice to meet you so I was a bit nervous," Hi...Mr Choi." I said as he looked and recognised me," Jiang Hao..." he exclaimed as he gave me his hand for a handshake," Nice meeting you...and congratulations on your marriage." he said as I replied happily," So are you here for a movie shooting?" he asked," Well no..iam here for my honey moon.." I replied as they bought the wine over," I don't remember ordering this.." he said as I immediately told him that it was I who did," Oh..I'd love to have this and more but my wife over there won't be happy." he said as he pointed at his wife who waved to me in return," You married too might have to decrease on the intake." he said as we both laughed," So when do I get to meet the beautiful lady?" he asked," about tonight..let's have dinner together tonight...I also have something I want to talk about." I suggested as he agreed," I'll leave you to it then...don't forget tonight." I said happily and I picked up my drink and left..I was going to use this dinner to ask for his cooperation and fingers crossed it was all going to work out.



" Iam done..." Sang Yi said as she stepped out dressed in a red dress with her hair thrown to one side of her shoulder..." But I have a problem..." she said," What's wrong?" I asked," well I've tried to pull up my zipper but I can't seem to reach it..." she replied as I stood up nervously," I'll help you out.." I said as I moved towards her..." I....I'll close my eyes don't worry." I said as I cleared my throat..she turned around and I started pulling the zipper but It seemed stuck..." What's wrong?" she asked," Well it's stuck..maybe in a I'll have to...." I explained " It's okay..." she replied as I hesitantly and slowly opened my see what was wrong with the zipper...her back was exposed to me and I kind of felt nervous and hot while staring at it .....( what iam I doing) I thought to my self as I pulled it up in one go and immediately took a step back..." Thank you." she said," You welcome." I replied as I adjusted the buttons on my shirt..." Let's go." I added as we left for the dinner.


