While walking down the aisle,it all suddenly started feeling real, I was the centre of attention as everyone quietly watched me walk to Jiang Hao,when I reached Infront of him and he held my hands..and also gave me an assurance nod, I actually started to feel less nervous.

We said our vows Infront of everyone and received many blessings and applauds," You may now kiss the bride." said the wedding officiant as Jiang Hao leaned in," May I?" he whispered as I automatically close my eyes only to feel his lips on mine.



" Why are you sitting here on your own?" asked a familiar voice as I turned and saw Jiang Li Li ( Jiang Hao's sister)," I was just staring at the starry sky.." I replied as I sipped on my glass of wine," Congratulations on finally tying the knot." she said happily," I hope you really grow old together." she added as I felt a little guilty for when she finds out that this is all a contract," I hope so too." I replied as we both stared at th sky," Hao never says what he actually feels...I guess being good in acting allows him fake his real emotions too." she said as I quietly listened," I don't think you know but it has always been me and Hao against the world especially after we lost most of the people that actually cared about us...but he never opens up even to me...he just lets me see the version of him I would love to see but never the real him, so iam happy he finally has you to share all his worries please take care of each other." she added with tears in his eyes," Iam rooting for your happiness." she added as she sipped on her glass of wine.

After hearing Jiang Li Li talk about Jiang Hao it made me a bit more curious and actually more interested in knowing him better and I hoped that I would in this period we are going to be together.




On our way back it felt real quiet in the car, I guess since we were not yet used to each other and had nothing much to talk about..." Do you want to have a drink?" I asked anxiously as she immediately replied with a yes, I pulled out a bottle and two glasses," You had these in your car!" she exclaimed with a smile," Well I guess this is the first thing you going to know about me...iam a huge drinker..." I said," Iam times I tend to have alot on my mind so I keep a bottle of wine and glasses for in case I need something to help me forget." I replied," So what's worrying you now?" she asked," Nothing...I just want us to celebrate this new chapter of Life...we deserve that much." I replied as I poured the wine into her glass," Cheers to our marriage." she said as we both burst into laughter.



I must say she really is quite the drinker seeing how she kept having more and more and more even after I told her to stop," Iam not drunk yet.." I what she replied with an unsteady voice, but I let her be since she really must have had alot on her mind.

" Are you sure you'll be okay?" Eric asked after he helped me carry her in," We will..." I replied," Drive safely and there is no need to work's been a long week." I added as he slightly bowed and headed home.



I arranged Sang YI'S room for her and helped her get into bed and as I turned to leave, she grabbed my hand..." Don't go.." she whispered as I turned only to see her crying..." Don't go mom..." she added as she cried even more, I was confused on how to comfort her, iam the worst when it comes to that section but I could only sir besides her and slowly patted her to sleep, whatever she was seeing with her eyes close must have been really painful seeing how tears kept flowing from her eyes..and seeing how she had tightly grabbed onto me..." It's okay." I said as I wiped her tears, she didn't let go of my hand the entire night so I had no choice but to scooch in next to her and wait for her to fully fall asleep.




I woke up with a strange headache, like I always do when I have drunk alot the previous day, this time round I was worried about being a problem to Jiang Hao because I can be one when I get drunk, I slowly opened my eyes and landed then on Jiang Hao who was sleeping next to me, it was a bit of a shock since I had no memory of why he was there..the first thing that came to my mind was checking if both of us were dressed which we were so I can cross out something we did because we were drunk, he had his hand wrapped around I was a pillow and so it was difficult for me to move away unless I woke him us but I could imagine the awkwardness we would both feel so I just kept staring at him which I doubt was doing any good either..." What time is it?" he said as he stretched to wake up..I immediately closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep and I could tell he was shocked too seeing how he let go of me so quickly and immediately rushed out of the room.



" Good morning." I said as I came down in a few minutes," Good morning." he replied as he invited me over to the breakfast table," I hope I didn't do anything silly last night." I said," No No..." he stuttered," Well...I don't know how to make it but I did follow the recipe so have a spoon ful and see." he said as he handed me a bowl of mashroom soup," Uhhmmm it's good for a hang over...Nanny Kim makes it for me most of the times.." he added as I asked who Nanny Kim was," the house will get to meet her today." he replied as I pulled the bowl of soup next to me and had a taste...and yes it was horrible and my fave couldn't hide it," It's bad isn't it..?" he asked as he came and picked it up," Well..." I tried to say but he stopped me half way," If you want to say it's good..then you should work on your facial expression first.." he said as we both burst into laughter," I'll get you some honey and water instead." he added as he left," I took some water to remove the bland and horrible taste...the soup had left but at the same time couldnt help laugh seeing how he also tried to have a taste of it and spat everything out..." I almost killed you with my cooking " he said as we both burst into laughter.



" How was your night..." Alia asked over the phone as I took a look around the house, which was pretty huge as expected but still shocked me how he stays in it alone..." I barely recall anything about it." I replied," What does that supposed to mean?" she asked," Well I had alot to drink last night." I replied as I stood at the balcony," Wow.." I said subconsciously while admiring the view," Sang Yi!" Alia called out," I still here.." I replied," So when you for drunk..did you two.." she said as I immediately stopped her," No..what are you even thinking!" I exclaimed," We just had drinks..that's it." I replied," Alright..calm down...any ways I was telling you that I won't open the cafe today..I have an audition." she said," Didn't you get the role last time?" I asked," Well I didn't and it took those mfs a week to tell me after they all complimented me in the audition." she complained," You'll get it this time..." I said in order to comfort her," I hope I do because dad is losing his patience with me...." she replied ," Okay I'll get back to making preparations...bye." she replied as she hung up, I could really feel the pressure was getting to her especially since her dad isn't supportive of her acting and yet she's trying so hard to prove to her dad that she can act...its alot.




" what's this?" I asked as Ai man handed me an envelope," Tickets to your honey moon trip." she replied," Honey moon!!!" I exclaimed," look we don't have to go that far...think about how uncomfortable it already is for Sang Yi...a honey moon would make things awkward." I explained as I handed the tickets back to her," Well I want to agree with you but your marriage is an interesting topic to the public..and now as the public knows every married couple has a honey moon so they are going to turn their interest to that..." she explained but I still was hesitant about the idea," it's just a few days...just take it as your mini vacation before the hectic filming for your new drama begins." she said," drama? I don't remember approving any script?" I said as I sat down and sipped on my coffee," iam not doing it." I said," Come on we already talked about it.." she said," Did you read the script..look I know my so called trend mark is romcoms but that script was cringy as hell." I said as I sat down," Come on it wasn't that cringe..." she replied," I don't care..iam not doing it...and as for the honey moon I'll go and talk it out with Sang Yi...then I'll get back to you." I said as I stood up to leave," But..." she said as I walked out..." Iam not doing it..." I reassured my self.


