" The bride is ready too." a lady said as I looked up to see Sang Yi dressed in her wedding gown, I had alot of mixed emotions watching her walk into the room, some I didn't feel entitled too because she was only my contract wife and there were absolutely no feelings attached to this marriage...but one thing is for sure she looked really beautiful.

" Jiang Hao!" called out Eric as I snapped out of my thoughts," It's time.." he said as I stood up to get ready for the photo shoot," You have all the time in the world to stare at your soon to be patient.." the photographer teased as everyone burst into laughter," Let's start..." he said.

" Okay we have had many great let's do this for the final shot." he said as he came closer to direct us," I need you to put you hands around her waist and she should put hers around your neck..and then I want both of you to just stare at each other eyes.." he said as I started laughing nervously," What's wrong Jiang always have these kind of photoshoots with your actresses...why do you seem more nervous today?" he asked as I cleared my throat," Well this is my soon to be wife..and not any other actress so iam bound to be nervous." I replied as I stared at Sang Yi who seemed to be as nervous as I was," let's do this.." I whispered to her..and comforted her with a smile," May I." I asked before I wrapped my hands around her waist,"Its okay.." she replied as she did her part too,the tension that arroused with me staring at her was something I expected but at the same time tried to I tried not to directly stare into her eyes because I wasn't sure what feelings staring at her directly was going to arrouse in me..." Okay...that's it." the photographer said as I immediately let go and took a step back....." I'll go and can do the same." I said to Sang Yi as I nervously left the room...." What iam I doing?" I thought to myself as U almost went the wrong way.



We had to meet up with Ai man right after the photoshoot," Those are the contracts...I would like you to read through them and sign at the bottom." she said as she handed each one of us a file," There three main parts of the contract.. This is a marriage of convenience and it will take up to a year duration...during that one will be staying together as a couple so with that I expect you to respect one another by not intimately interacting with the opposite sex for that one year, in both should also not do anything that can expose the fact that this marriage is not real...have I made myself clear." Ai man asked as we both agreed," Well your wedding is tomorrow...and it's going to be a simple event between just close friends and family..sign the contracts and go have some rest." she added as we both got time to read through and sign.

" Here.." I said to Sang Yi as I handed her a wedding invitation," You said you wanted to give it to someone." I added as she took it," Thank you." she replied as she stepped out of the car," See you tomorrow." she added as she waved and slightly bowed towards me," See you tomorrow." I replied as I watched her leave..." Let's go." I said to Eric as we left.




The photo shoot was a bit intense for me, I was nervous the entire time but also appreciate of how supporting Jiang Hao was...we signed our contracts and that's when I realised that this was now the life I was set to was both scary and strangely nice.

" So shall we be meeting up for the bachelorette one on one party tonight." Alia asked over the phone as I stopped outside a flower shop," Okay...but I have some where to go first...let's meet at around 8." I suggested as I hang up, I browsed through the flowers and stopped when I saw the pink's favourite flower..I remember how these filled out house back in the day..and also how dad used to bring them back for mom every day...seeing them bought back alot of memories but I also figured it was the perfect flower to give...her along with my wedding invitation today.

I breathed in and out as I walked into the care centre where my mom was being treated, it had been a few weeks since I last visited because I didn't want the negative energy in my life to rub off on her and her recovery," Good evening." I said at the reception where they welcome me warmly since they were really familiar with me, some of them even congratulates me on my marriage and some wanted more talks on how we met and many more, I walked to the grade where I was told my mom was and seeing her from her back almost made me cry...I quietly walked to where she was and knelt down Infront of her," Mom....iam here." I said as she turned her eyes down to look at me," Are you happy to see me today?" I asked as she turned her eyes off of me and back to the flowers she was staring at," I just took my medicine ..nurse so don't worry." she said as I felt tears gather in my eyes..."'s me Sang Yi..have you forgotten me again..." I said in a shaky voice," Sang Yi.." she said as she looked down on me..." But my Sang Yi is at school..." she replied as took a grip on the flowers I was holding...." My Sang Yi is at school." she added ..." My Sang Yi is at school.." she continued untill she completely went bizzare repeating the same words over and over again," Mom come down.." I said as I rushed to call the nurses who helped me keep her calm by taking her back to her room and giving her a shot.



" Look Sang Yi...your mom is still trying to adopt...which can't be easy so please be patient with her." the head nurse said as I nodded," I know...father's death room a big troll on will take time for her to heal but I trust her mom is strong." I replied," That's my girl." she concluded as she left.

I turned back to my mom who was sleeping peacefully...I missed her so much...I missed how she would always cuddle me whenever I had something bothering me,I missed her love and care....but at the same time I wanted to stand by her with hope of getting to see that side of her again,I put the flowers on the table besides her bed and also left my wedding invitation..." I'll come and see you again." I added as I kissed her forehead and left the's always hard for me to hold back my tears in moments like this no matter how much I don't want to seem weak.



I had to meet Alia for a drink later which I now needed because I don't think sleeping sober was going to help me not think about my mom at the moment..." Yahh! take it don't want to wake up with an hangover tomorrow." Alia said as she blocked the wine from pouring into my glass," I told you ...that you can talk to me incase of anything..there is absolutely no need for you to drink your problems away..." she said as tears suddenly rolled from my eyes," What's wrong Yiyi?" she asked with concern as she moved to sit next to me," Did any thing happen ..?" she asked as I wiped my tears and sipped on my drink," It's about mom...I went to see her today and she didn't seem to know who I was...I know it happens most of the times but I wanted her to recognise me so that I could share this big piece of news with her...I wanted to show her my wedding invitation and even get her blessings but she didn't recognise me.." I explained as she came and held me close to her," Calm down...what happened to my strong and positive Sang Yi." she asked," I want to be strong but I have to agree I felt a bit week today..." I replied," It's okay to feel weak's also okay to cry sometimes...just remember that everything will be alright in the end...and also iam here for you always." she comforted me as she wiped my tears," Now come on...cheer up." she added as I tried to smile," It's okay..." she said as she hugged me again....


