After getting that call from Yena, I wasn't sure if I should go but at the same time I was curious and wanted to know what she wanted to tell me, she had asked us to meet in our usual place,it was a park an abandoned park where we used to hangout while we were dating, it was like out very own secret base just for the two of us, I could see he standing from a far after I arrived at the park, I was both curious and anxious as I moved to where she was," Yena..." I called out to her as she turned and saw it was me," Why did you call me everything okay?" I asked with a shaky voice as she pulled out something from her bag," I heard that you were getting engaged...and wanted to personally congratulate you, I thought our break up would be hard in you but I guess I wasn't the only one pretending to be happy in our relationship." she replied as I felt crushed," Well..I needed to move on too since you had no problem doing the same." I said as she handed me a box," I wanted to give this back to you..." she said as I immediately noticed it was the small box containing the necklace I gifted her after we had started dating," Why would you give this back...I have nothing to do with it as well." I said," You could have thrown it away.." I added," Like you did our relationship." I said under my breath," Right....but like I said, I also wanted to use this opportunity to congratulate you on moving on..." she replied as I folded my fists out of much more cold hearted was she going to be, how much more was she going to cut through my heart with her words...I know this is called being selfish but I sort of wished she had changed her mind on us after seeing the news of me getting engaged, I hoped that she called me because she was sorry and wanted us to go back together...I know iam being as heartless as she is but I would have dropped everything if she said she wanted to return to my arms.

I couldn't feel the distance as I slowly walked out of there, I was receiving many calls but didn't even have the guts to reply to any of mind was blank..., after a few hours of walking and thinking things through I gave Eric a call and asked him to pick me up,maybe meeting up with Yena once more was the reason I needed to firmly go on with this decision...and now I was going to take on this new role and I was going to make it so believable even to my self.



Sang Yi looked so shocked and nervous after the kiss..I was also shocked as to why I even chose to do that in the first place..was it part of the script, no..then was it because I wanted the audience to why did I?," Jiang Hao and Ms Sang Yi.. congratulations on your engagement.." said my fellow actors and actresses, I was still bothered by what happened earlier and just hoped for this to end as soon as possible," Are you really okay?" Sang Yi asked as i replied with a yes," I just feel a bit stuffed." I said as I tried to losen up my tie," Should we step outside for a walk then, I feel stuffed too." she suggested as I immediately agreed.



" Iam sorry." I said as we walked," I had something going on and ended up being late." I added," Well I was a bit angry because I remember saying we were in this I was a bit disappointed when I thought of the fact that you changed your mind and didn't inform me in time." she replied," Look..I know this while thing is so stressing and happening can get a but scared and you may want to back out .which you can, I just want us to inform each other in case of any change of feelings." she added with a smile on top of that, she really had a way of being so understanding at times that it made her attractive..." So don't feel sorry..iam not angry anymore." she said as she continued walking," Also...please inform me of any other changes you come up with.." she said as she pointed at her lips," So that I can prepare my self in advance." she added as I continued walking while following her from behind.



I must say the walk did do some wonders, I got to clear things up with Sang Yi and also took a few things off my mind...but little did I know that my day was going to get a bit more chaotic with the arrival of Jiang Li Li, My sister.


I appreciated Jiang Hao for talking things out with me, it made feel important, he apologized and even explained felt good to hear, after sending a few days with him I kept getting to see this new side of him that I really liked in comparison to the image of him, I had in mind and I liked that feeling.

After our walk, we walked back into the venue and found everything exactly how we left it..boring but the atmosphere completely changed with the Arrival of his sister, she seemed friendly and cheerful seeing how she kept hugging and talking with me non stop," What did you like about my brother if you don't mind me asking...?" she asked as we sat down for a drink," What iam trying to say is that may people like him for his looks and this image or persona created by his seeing that both of you have been together for five must have been attracted to something about him that most people don't know." she explained, this was a tough question especially with the fact that I had only known him for a few weeks," Well....Uhhmmm." I said as she stared at me with curiousity," Can you stop disturbing my fiancee." jiang Hao said as she came and sat besides me," It's called a girl to girl I'd like to know if your fiancee knows how much of a problem she's going to spend the rest of her life with." she said as I almost burst into laughter," See..she finds it funny too." she added," Well we can continue with our conversation later, I'll go and say hello to the rest..I don't want to be a third wheeler." Jiang Li Li said as she stood up and left..." Iam sorry about her..she's quite talkative." Jiang Hao said as I told him it was fine," I understand that she might be excited." I replied," Shall we have a drink together...?" he asked as I nodded in approval.



Today had been a really long day...but I was glad in had a pleasant finish....when Jiang Hao's sister asked me earlier about what I found outstanding about him that most people might not see then I wanted to tell her that I love how good of a listener and how patient he is, I don't know it's just that since I met him and considering all we have been through together in these past few weeks, he has been rather patient..I don't know if it's an act or his personality but if there is one thing I've learnt to love and appreciate about him is that he is patient and a really good listener...

" May I come in?" asked Alia as she knocked at my door," Come in." I said as she walked in and climbed into my bed," What's wrong?" I asked," Can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked as she climbed onto me," Why is that?" I asked," are engaged and iam pretty sure th wedding will also be in a few days...and then you'll move in with Jiang Hao and I will be left in this house alone..." she said," Yes but it isn't like I'll be going someplace could come and visit me at anytime..we could also meet up for coffee at anytime...we could also meet up at the cafe at any time...don't worry about it." I said as she held on even tighter," Yes..but it still will be different.." she said as I held her tightly too," can sleep with me tonight." I said as we turned off the lights and went to bed.



Just like Alia had said, Aiman announced our wedding in a week's time...and there we both were being the talk of the city once again.


