After the news for our engagement blew out, there has been numerous anticipations and posts about it, I on the other hand despite knowing it's fake was kind of feeling the pressure and for some really strange reason I wanted it to be perfect and hoped that nothing would go wrong,Ai man was a great help since she catered for everything including the numerous outfits she sent over for me to pick from.

" Okay Alia this the last one.." I said as I got out for her to see, it was a nice off shoulder black split thigh tight dress and I must say it stood out from the other eight I had tried on," What do you think?" I asked Alia who seemed dumbfounded too," Wow...iam going to cry." she said as I took a closer look at my self," What do you it bad?" I asked anxiously," Are you kidding look absolutely pretty..iam going to it kind of exposes your curvature..which is like my favourite part of your body." she complimented," So this is it?" I said," It absolutely is...ahhh I can't believe you actually getting engaged...I mean I always knew you would get engaged faster than me but now that it is happening and so fast..I can't keep up." she said," Well it just feels Soo surreal.." she added," I know...tell me about minute I thought my life had ended with li Wei cheating and now iam getting engaged weeks later..." I replied as I stared at my self in the mirror," I don't feel in control of my life right now..but I strangely iam liking it that way too." I added as she came and hugged me from behind," No matter what strange things happen In your life..I will always be there." she said as I started to feel teary eyed," Same." I replied as we hugged.




" I just told you that there is absolutely no you for you to be's just an engagement." I said to my sister who was making a big deal about not telling her," You can't be serious right now Hao...first you don't tell me you seeing some one and now you getting engaged and only want me to see it from the news." she said angrily," Iam I really your sister." she added as she started with her emotional blackmail trick," Fine..just do as you want.." I said as I hang up," Why is she being petty?" I said as i picked up my proposal script and continued to look through.



As I got ready for my engagement, I received a call from the person I least expected to receive it from,Yena ( My ex girlfriend) I had no idea what she wanted to say but I also didn't want to reject the phone call so both anxiously and curiously I picked up and before I knew it, I was dropping everything and running to where she had told me to go, was I being stupid running to her after all the hurtful words she told me, that iam not sure but I definitely wanted to hear what she was going to say to me this time.




While I was getting ready, An anxious Ai man walked into the room asking me if I had gotten in touch with Jiang Hao at any point today, I was a bit curious as to why she asked," Is everything okay?" I asked as she walked across the room," Nothing is okay..we can't find Jiang Hao.." she said as I felt my heart drop a little," Di he have second thoughts on this and decided to back out? but he should have told me if he did...then I wouldn't have showed up too." all these thoughts ran through my mind as I picked up the phone to call to call him," Don't bother..his phone is unavailable." Air man said as I started to get even more anxious," It's almost time...what should we do?" I asked as I walked around the room," Iam still figuring out something..." she replied as she received a call which seemed to have come from Eric," What did he say?" I asked after she hang up," He can't find him at any of his hang outs." she replied, just when things were getting even worse, we were told that the press had arrived and the guests were getting expectant," What should we do?" Ai man said as I thought of an idea," How about we postponed the engagement...we can tell them that something came up and that we were going to do it some other time." I suggested," Are you serious..then they will have so many questions...let's hold off a bit...I'll ask the guest artist to sing a song first and cheer up the audience.." she said," In the mean one else has to know about this...relax okay." she said to me as she left, but how was I going to relax with all that had happened.



After a few hours, Jiang Hao had not come and neither had he reached out to anyone...I was trying to pull my self together but I was getting suffocated with every passing moment, I received a call from Alia," Are you okay?" she asked as I cleared my throat and tried to fake being okay," What do you mean.. ofcourse iam fine." I replied," How can you be fine when Jiang Hao is missing on his engagement with you?" she asked," How did you know..?" I asked anxiously," Well not just me but everyone else's all over the internet." she said as I felt a weight on shoulders," And who has spread the news..?" I asked as I walked out to look for Ai man," So it's true..oh my God Yi Yi..." she said in a worried tone," What are you going to do?" she asked as I looked around for Aiman but couldn't find her anywhere," I don't know...iam also as confused as everyone else right now..but mostly angry because he didn't even say iam going to look like a helpless pitiful girl who has been dumped by her fiancee on their engagement day." I said with tears in my eyes, I don't even know what was sadder at this moment....



Before you know it, I was standing Infront of a large audience waiting to give an explanation on the matter, my hands were shaking as we had decided to go with my suggestion of saying he wasn't feeling well and we had postponed the engagement, everyone looked at me with anxiousness and expectations..." Iam really going to kill you when I see you again Jiang Hao." I said under my breath as I grabbed the microphone and prepared my self to speak...and before I could even utter a word..the lights went off.

" What's happening?" murmmered the audience as a spot light fell at the entrance where Jiang Hao stood with a guitar in his hands," It's Jiang Hao!!!" every one exclaimed as he walked towards me singing..." What is he doing?" I thought to my self as I listened to the song," I didn't know he can sing.." I said as he finally reached Infront of me and finalised the song, remember when I said I'd kill him if he showed up Infront of me..I was too dumbstruck to do anything, but at the same time I was dying to know why he only showed up now..." Are you okay?" I whispered to him as he nodded his head affirmatively," Where were you?" I asked as he smiled and held my hand in his," Firstly I would like to apologise to everyone for delaying this auspicious occasion...I was caught up with some preparations that I lost track of time and made everyone and my beloved wait..." he said as I kinda cringed with that last statement," I hope my apologies can be accepted.." he added as he reached out for his pockets and pulled out a box," Today everyone is gathered here to celebrate our engagement with us...and no one here can be as happy as iam for finally putting this ring on your finger and asking you spend the rest of your life with without wasting any more time...I would like to use this time granted to me to ask you Ms Sang allow me put this ring on your finger as a promise to spend the rest of our lives together." he said as he knelt down on one knee,I must say I was moved by his speech," Yes..." I replied gently as I put out my hand for him, he slid the ring on my finger and you could hear applauds and cheers from everyone, the moment, the ambiance ,the feelings felt so real for me to call fake at the moment, He stood up and walked towards me, leaned in and kissed me on the lips...and now that's something I had not prepared myself for!!!


