" You should do it..." Sang Yi said on our way home," Do what?" I asked as she put her hand over mine," You should attend the wedding..." she replied as I flinched a bit," What are you talking about?" I asked," Well it will be closure enough for you." she said as I tried to decline," What...are you surprised that iam asking you to go...if you really don't have feelings for her any more like you say and if you don't care what she does or who she does it with then go to her wedding, sit at the front where she wants you...cheer for her and even toss to her new life..that is the type of closure your relationship with her deserves, I actually don't care about her but that's the type of closure you deserve." she explained as I quietly listened," Also it's not that I'll let you go alone." she added with a smile, I was actually surprised by her ability to stay calm and collected amidst all of this, and how understanding and supporting she was being, I have to agree it was all new to me," I'll let you think on it..just male sure you make up your mind and tell me so that I can go choose an outfit to wear." she added as she leaned back in her seat, I couldn't help stare more at her because I was badly trying to figure out what she was thinking at the moment, was she as okay as she seemed to be or was she just pretending to be okay?.



" So are you really going to attend the wedding?" Eric asked as he drove me to work the next day," Iam not sure..." I replied as I pulled out my phone," Hello." I said to Ai man who had called reminding me of the signing of the contract which I had forgot about since I had alot on my mind," I'll talk to Sang Yi and see if she is still at home, just ask her to check the drawer next to my bed..I kept it in there." I said to Eric as he left.." Iam so messed up." I said as I scratched my head and sighed.




" Okay I'll check for it and hand it over to him." I said as I walked into Jiang Hao's bedroom, I looked around and spotted the drawer he had told me," This is it." I said happily as I opened it and noticed the black file sitted right there, I pulled it out and as I read through it, I noticed something in the drawer, it was the wedding invitation to his exes wedding, I've been handling this whole thing on a more mature approach and I wanted to be understanding and supportive but I won't lie, I did feel a bit worried, I had questions like what if his feelings for me changed after he saw her getting married, what if he stands up and stops the all piled up in my brain but at the same time I wanted to trust him, I wanted to give him a chance to move on from his past that's if we were going to start a future together..." It's fine.." I whispered to my self as I out the invitation back and took the file to Eric who was waiting downstairs.




" Okay now that this is done..the booting ceremony will be held in a few weeks and right then we shall decide when the filming begins." Mr Choi's secretary said after we signed the contract," Thank you so much for choosing me..I'll make sure I don't disappoint." I said to Mr Choi," Well I'll have to trust you on that." he replied as we shook hands," Well I was thinking of us having dinner together this evening..if that's okay with you Mr Choi?" Ai man asked as they politely declined since they had other appointments to attend too," But we shall surely have that dinner some other time." Mr Choi assured is as he turned to leave.

" I can't believe you actually earned a main role on his project.." Ai man said as she happily placed the contract in her documents safe," You career is taking off real well." she added as I sat across from her and sighed," But you don't seem so involved today." she said," Is anything wrong?" she asked as I massaged my temples," I don't feel well..I might be coming down with something." I said as she immediately rushed to call Eric," It's not that much of a big deal." I said as she declined," You should get your self checked in a hospital...this is the most crucial time for you don't want anything to get inbetween." she added as I gave in to her requests.



" We don't need to go to a hospital...I'll just have some rest at home." I said," Are you know Ai man is going to ask me for the medical forms and results.." he said," I'll deal with that..just drive me home." I replied as I leaned back in my seat.




While I was at work, Eric told me about Jiang Hao possibly having something that's bothering him and he doesn't want to talk about it, so I figured he was still in the dilemma of what we had discussed.

" Can I come in?" I asked as I knocked at the door of Jiang Hao's bedroom," Come in.." he said as I walked in with a glass of warm water," I was told you weren't feeling well." I said as I placed the glass on the table besides his bed and then went ahead to check his temperature by placed my palm on his forehead and comparing it to mine," You don't seem to have a high temperature.." i said as he just stared quietly at me," Iam okay...I just have a headache." he said as I noticed him massaging his temples," Here..." I said as I handed him the warm water and also got some pills," Those will help decrease the pain." I added as he declined them at first," I don't need medicine.." he said as I insisted on him taking it," It's either this or we go to the hospital for a check up." I suggested as he gave in to taking the medication...." Have some rest...then..I'll make you some soup." I said as I stood up to leave when he grabbed my hand," Why don't you just sit here for a while." he said as he pulled me towards him," Just sit here." he said as I did...he then turned and placed his head on my laps..." Can you please give me a head massage..I think that would work faster." he said as I smiled shyly," Well iam not sure about that...Alia says I give the worst head massages." I said as he closed his eyes," Let me try it first before I decide.." he said as I placed my hands on either side of his temples and massaged him," How does it feel?" I asked as he smiled," Iam liking it.." he replied as I continued massaging his head softly.



I didn't realise when I fell asleep but I woke up well covered up in bed and Jiang Hao was sitted on the couch besides me," What time is it?" I panicked since I remember planning to make soup for him," 8:00 pm..why didn't you wake me up?" I asked my self as I got out of bed," You looked like you needed a rest I didn't bother about waking you up." he replied as I tied my hair back and then stood up," How are you feeling?" I asked," Pretty good...I guess your hand massage did wonders." he replied," I'll still go and make you that soup.." I said as I turned to leave when he called out to me," There is no need for the soup..Nanny lee has already made me the red date porridge." he said as I came back and sat besides him," I guess that's fine too." I replied as I sighed," How about we have a drink together?" he asked," Have a drink when you are sick?" I replied," I don't think that's a good idea." I added as he stared at me with sad eyes," I'll just drink one can.." he pleaded," No..way..who knows what a can can do." I replied as he looked the other way.." How about we just go and watch stars at the roof top..I can watch you drink then." he suggested.



" I rarely come here..." Jiang Hao said as we found some where to seat," I mean I rarely have time to come here..just to stare at the view of the city and admire the sky..and stars." he added as I raised my head to stare at the stars," Well it's possible if you are always busy." I replied," Iam glad I can come up here with you though..." he replied as he smiled towards me.."I like spending time with you...even if it's just sitting down to have talks or just drinking I love spending time with you..." he said as I suddenly felt moved by his words," I don't want this to end..." he added as he turned and held my hands," I mean...I want what we have to be real and not something binded by a peace of paper or contract..." he continued as I felt teary eyed.." I also want us to be together..with no types of destructions or past feeling interrupting that.." he added as I quietly listened," That's why I have thought long and hard about this...and decided to go to the wedding..I'll go and end it all right there..." he said as I smiled," Well that's pretty much it..." he said as he turned and stared at the sky," I had to tell you in advance so you can prepare your dress right?" he said as we both chucked softly..." Well iam glad you decided to face this...and you don't have to worry..I'll be right there to comfort you when it's all done." I said as he wrapped his hand over my shoulders and pulled me close...we then just say there at the roof top, wrapped in each other's arms..with the cool breeze passing by us...


