" Thank you for accepting to meet with me." I said to Mr Choi as I sat down across him," Iam really sorry... because of me the preparations that has been made and planned out for the movie were disrupted." I said sincerely as he stared at me.." look Jiang Hao..I respect you as an actor and as an individual and iam not the kind to go around judging other people's actions...I don't know why you did what you did and you can choose not to explain because it doesn't concern me." he said as I quietly listened," As for the movie..we are still debating on whether or not we should cross you off as the male keep calm." he added as he checked his wrist," It's almost time for my appointment...hang in there." he said as he patted my shoulder and stood up to leave...I didn't know how to comprehend whatever he said but it seemed like I should say good bye to being in the movie.



" I just want to get drunk..." I said to Eric as I poured my self a second glass of beer," Take it easy.." he said as he caught my hand to stop me from pouring in more beer but I pulled away and did it anyway,"Dont worry about's not the first time iam taking this.." I said as I continued drinking...I was puzzled and I don't think being sober and having to think so much about whatever is happening was going to be good for me.



" What is this?" I asked as I passed my eyes through the document I was given," That's your apology speech for the press conference scheduled on thursday." she replied," It has been revised...all you have to do is say everything as it has been written down ." she added as I placed it on the table and stood up," Can we keep Sang Yi out of this?" I asked as I poured my self a glass of water.." Well no...since this involves the both of will be better if you both dealt with it accordingly." she explained as I rubbed my forehead..." Do you think that everything will be okay after we apologize?" I asked," Is there hope?" I added as she stared at me with pity...." Look Jiang Hao you don't have to beat your self up because of this...just follow what I have told you." she said as she stood up and left...." Ahhh!!" I screamed as I almost threw the glass of water that was in my hands.



" Are you nervous..." I asked Sang Yi as we sat in the waiting room," Iam okay.." she replied I could tell she was lying because she had already rubbed her fingers together more than once in addition to walking across the room..." Come here..." I said as she came and sat next to me," Is. going to be right there with you..don't worry.." I said as I kissed her forehead.

We were then called out, this was far bigger than most conferences I have been too, there were so many news reporters and I was told it was being aired on most social media platforms for every one to see...." Shall we start...but before we do Mr Jiang Hao has something to say to all of you." the moderator said as I stood up," What are you doing?" Sang Yi asked as I reassured her with a smile...." A very good afternoon to everyone here...I admire the fact that you have taken off time to some here despite me not deserving any of it." I said as Ai man tried to signal me to stop since none of this was in the script..." Before we get to the part where you ask me alot of questions I would like to say something." I added as the reporters attentively listened while some even recorded," As an actor or as a public figure there are many times I've had to be what iam not just to please everyone else, there times I had to smile even when I didn't want too or pretend iam okay even when I wasn't...there times I took on roles for the sake of fans that loved me in those roles even when I wasn't interested in any of them but I still did my best for the people that believed in me...I have been seeing alot of comments since the news of my fake marriage linked..some were saying iam a liar and a hypocrite and I have to accept that iam.. because how could I lie to the people that believed in me and my talent, we all have reasons as to why we do certain things..that's our nature as human beings which includes us public figures too....just because we paint this picture of perfection Infront of all of you doesn't mean we are perfect and can't make mistakes and that's why I stand I front of you..admitting mine and asking you to forgive me." I added as I bowed down I front of everyone...." That will be it...thank you for listening." I added as I went back and sat down..." Are you okay?" Sang Yi asked as she held my hand in hers," Iam okay.." I replied with a smile.



After the press conference, Ai man complained about why I diverted from the script," We spent nights carefully coming up with something you can use as your apology..some thing defined and doesn't make you appear weak I front of everyone and you just had to go and divert from it.." she said as I tried to explain but she kept talking more and more and more," You know what I lied...none of this was going to be solved by a plain apology but I was willing to try for you any you know that the company is planning of cancelling their contract with you...are you aware of that?" she said as I looked up at her..." I know..." I yelled," Eric told me everything...they were still going to cancel the contract even if I I just had to do something for my self." I said as I stood up in frustration," I love my job and appreciate you for all the support you have given me...but maybe I really do need a break...a break away from all the drama in this circle..a break away from having my life displayed out for the public to see, a break from having to apologize for the things any human being can do...." I said as I stormed out of the office.



I bought some beer from the convenience store and found a quiet place to think and drunk from, I wasn't sure whether whatever I was doing was right and sincerely speaking I just needed some one to believe that it was right...." What happened to me being your drinking Buddy?" a familiar voice said as I turned and saw Sang Yi," I was one when we had just met.." she added as she walked towards me and sat down..." How did you find me here?" I asked," What do you mean? I can find you anywhere you choose to go.." she said," Did you out a tracking device on me.." J said as I checked my self..." Come on!!" she exclaimed as we both laughed," Eric told me..." she said as she picked up a can of beer," Here..." she added as she pointed on her shoulder..." You can always lie here when you feel so tired..." she added as I felt tears in my eyes," You have worked have done enough you don't need to try harder..." she added as she caressed my face," You have done well..." she added with a smile on her face...I felt comforted with her words her company and even her touch..." Come on.." she said as she spread her hands out to embrace me...." Everything will be okay." she added as I held on tightly to her with tears rolling down my face.


