Don't tell me you are scared..." Eric said as we arrived at the venue of the booting ceremony," Iam not scared iam nervous...iam actually going to star in one of my favourite directors movies..iam bound to be nervous." I said as I fixed my hair and stepped out of the car, there were many news reporters, paparazzi who had come to capture every second of the moment,I walked past all of them and went on the inside where I met the rest of the cast, I was introduced to all of them and we got to take alot of pictures, listen to speeches and even pray for the well being and success of the movie during and after it finishes shooting and airing... everything was going well and I was happy untill I wasn't....




" Just stay right here..there is no need for you to go outside." Alia said as she fixed her hair and went to calm down the angry mob outside my cafe...I peeped through the door hole to see if she was doing okay but I noticed that some people were throwing stuff at her so I moved's me that they had come for so I had to face them on head strong..." Can you please stop all of this.." I said as they all turned to me and started yelling," Aren't you shameless...keeping this place open after you lied to everyone." they said as I scoffed," Listen to me...I understand that all of you are angry right now but I can call the cops because what you are doing right now is vandalism of property..." I said as they continued to yell angrily..." Can you please stop all of this.." I yelled as I noticed one of the angry fans had raised a chair to hit Alia..." Stop it..." I screamed as the chair hit my forehead..." Please stop it.." I added as I touched my forehead and saw blood.." Iam really calling the cops.." Alia said as most of them were threatened and ran away," Yi Yi!" Alia called out as she came and squatted where I was.." Iam going to call Jiang Hao.." she said as I held her hand," Don't..he is probably having a hard time too right now." I said.



" Is that okay?" Alia asked after she dressed my wound," You have to bear with this because we can't even go to the hospital...all the news reporters and paparazzi are hunting for you." she added," Iam wasn't that deep." I replied as I stood up and sighed.." if they are this angry at me..then I can't imagine how Jiang Hao is dealing with everything right now..." I said as I pulled out my phone and tried to call him but he wasn't picking up," This was supposed to be a great day for him..he was really happy." I added as Alia came and stood next to me and comforted me," It's one saw this coming.." she said as I sighed and sat back.." But who do you think linked the news...who do you think leaked out marriage contract..?" I asked as I passed my hands through my hair out of frustration.." Iam not really could be any one..Jiang Hao is pretty famous and so he has many enemies.." Alia replied as she scrolled through her phone," 10 hot searches are all about you and Jiang Hao..." she said," This is bad..." I replied as I groaned.



I couldn't go back to Jiang Hao's house since the reporters had surrounded it and neither could i stay at the cafe since it wasn't safe any more..Alia and I managed to escape and found refugee in our house..which was also not going to take long before the reporters all piled up around it...I still couldn't go through to Jiang Hao and so I was worried..the last thing I knew about him was that he was at the booting ceremony when the news linked and he probably was taken away by Eric and other people...he probably is fine, I wasn't so sure.

" You should get some rest...iam sure he is fine..he is a celebrity this is not his first time to deal with an issue like this.." Alia said as she passed me a glass of warm milk.." You didn't have a bite on your dinner..take that and go to sleep." she said as agreed with her...I tried closing my eyes but I couldn't, I kept searching on the hit searches and yes we were still trending...some articles even referred to us as hypocrites for faking a marriage and lying to thousands of people..some said it felt like a webtoon or novel.

As I rolled in bed without any sleep, I had some thing on my window...and when I opened the curtains it was Jiang Hao..." How did he even get there.." I asked my self as I opened up and helped him Inside," What are you doing here at this time?..what if some news reporters followed you here.." I said as I pulled him in for a hug.." How are you doing?..I was really worried about you." I said as he held me tightly too.



" Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?" he asked as he critically examined my forehead," Iam's a small wound..Alia must have over exaggerated on the bandaging.." I explained as he sighed..." Iam really sorry.." he said," Why are you apologizing..non of this is your fault." I said as he scoffed in frustration," I mean...iam used to's not the first time a really mean article has been written about me or I've been involved in a scandal..Iam used to all of this but you aren't..and now it hasn't been a day but you have already been hurt." he said with tears in his eyes.." Look at me..looked at me.." I said as I caressed his cheeks.." This is not your fault..we are in this together..I wasn't forced into anything..I signed the contract my self..I agreed to the fake marriage..I played a huge part in all of this we should share whatever is coming to us..iam here with you." I said as he stared at me quietly..." Come on..." I added as I pulled him in for a hug.." We are going to get through this.." I reassured him.

I was scared too, I didn't know how we were going to end all of this..but I knew I had to stand by's all I was clear of at the moment.



" Sang Yi!" Hana called out as he banged at the door...I stretched from my sleep and looked back at Jiang Hao who was sleeping peacefully..." Coming.." I whispered as I stood up from my bed and opened the door," Eric is.." she said as I signalled her to lower her voice.." Wait is that...!" she exclaimed," Well yes..he came to check up on me yesterday..he is really worried about whatever is happening so I don't want to wake him up..I want him to have some sleep." I explained as we slowly closed the door," Well Eric is here...he was also wondering if Jiang Hao had come to see you." Alia explained as we both went to meet Eric.

" Iam glad he is safe..I was worried when I couldn't find him.." he said," Have this.." Alia said as she handed him a glass of water..I could tell things were still a bit awkward with them.." So what's the plan?" I asked," I we issue an apology..or are we going to solve this?" I asked curiously," Well this is not one of those scandals where we can just issue a written apology and everything becomes alright..this is pretty serious...Jiang Hao has already lost over a thousand followers of the internet...calls about cancelling his contracts with his endorsement companies have been coming in since's going to be a tough battle but..Ai man said that we shall have a solution soon... for now the both of you have to lay low and keep calm..this will also get solved soon." he explained as I became even more worried...were things really going to turn up for the best or were they going to become worse than they already are...


