The cafes opening went well, every one had fun and our website was full of congratulation messages..." Iam so tired today.." I said to Jiang Hao who sat upright and signalled me to rest my head on his lap..." Come here." He said as I walked towards him and did exactly that..." I'll give you a head

massage." He said as I looked up at him and smiled...." Thank you..." I said as I closed my eyes and just listened to his hands massaging my temples..." This feels comfortable..." I said as he squeezed a little harder..." Hey!" I exclaimed as he laughed..." I need a head massage too." He said as I sat up and asked him to rest his head on lap..." You should be warned though..I tend to take such things seriously...I might make your head hurt more I stead of relieving the pain." I warned as he glared at me .." We can do something else then...." He said as he stared at me....." Something what ?" I said as he caressed the side of my neck..." Some thing more interesting..." He said as he bit his low lip...." Something more interesting..." I said as I caressed his neck too ..." Like?" I said as he pulled me in for a kiss...." Something like this." He said as we kissed again....



" Good morning..." I said to Jiang Hao who was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen..I ran towards him and hugged him from behind...." Good morning.." he replied as he turned and kissed my forehead..." You are right on time..... breakfast is ready..." He said as he escorted me to the dining table and pulled out a seat for me...." Here...." He said as he placed W plate of pan cakes and a glass of juice in front of me..." This smells great.....sure you prepared this yourself?" I asked as he glared at me..." Ofcourse..I've been making practice..." He replied..." Now have a taste and tell me if it's good." He said as I took a bite...." How is it?" He asked anxiously as I teased him a bit by changing facial expression..." How can it be..I even tasted it earlier..." He said as I laughed....* look at your's's infact really good." I said to him as he smiled..." Here you can taste it too." I said," No you should have some more." He replied as I glared at him..." Okay....ahhh." he said as he opened his mouth..." How is it?" I asked as he put his thumbs up..." Iam getting better by the the time we get married you will not have to worry about breakfast a day in your life." He said as I was taken aback by the fact that he talked about marriage....." Marriage...." I said as he stared at me .." Why don't you want to become my wife for real this time...?" He asked as I smiled at him..." Is this a proposal....Iam I going to find a ring hidden somewhere in this glass of juice." I teased him," Ofcourse...I would like to be your real wife this time round...." I said as he held my hand and helped me up..." This won't do .....I need to plan for an unforgettable that will be perfect and worthy of your reply." He said as he wrapped his hands around my waste..." I'll wait for it." I said as I leaned in and kissed him.



" It's like ever since he told me about the proposal I keep thinking he's going to do it...last night he took me out for dinner and then I saw this band come in and started singing and then he disappeared for a while so I pulled out my make up and got ready and you know what happened?" I said to Alia...." What.." she replied as she laughed..." The band was for the table behind me and he had disappeared to use the bathroom." I said as she burst into laughter..." Why are you laughing.." I asked as she tried to catch her breath..." It's just funny...I mean I can imagine him getting on one knee to tie his shoe laces and then you turning around and saying yes automatically.... because you thought he had pulled out a ring for you." She said as we both laughed..." That would be so embarrassing..." I said as I sighed..." I guess Iam nervously looking forward to his proposal...Iam losing my mind in the process." I replied as I sipped on my cup of coffee..." I understand but you should relax and let your self be surprised when it eventually happens...Iam sure he is thinking about it alot as well." A lia reassured me.




" It feels like every idea that comes to mind..has already been done by some one before." I said as I scrolled through some post on proposals...." I promised her something unforgettable....I mean I wasnt even supposed to say anything to her and let it all be a surprise but it some how slipped my tongue and now Iam sure she is looking forward to something beautiful unique.....urgghhh Iam losing my mind." I said to Eric who was busy on his phone..." Are you even listening to me?" I asked as he got off..." A proposal is supposed to be sincere and not necessarily grand .....just show her your sincerity in wanting to make her a part of your life forever....let her feel that sincerity even if it takes just getting on one knee with a single flower and a sincere." He said as I was kind of moved by his speech..." I understand all that but I also want it to be memorable enough to tell apart the first time I asked her to have a fake marriage with me....I want it to be grand beautiful and sincere." I said as I paused to think of more ideas...." Just keep looking for more ideas." I said to him as I leaned back in my seat...." I'll think of something too." I said as I closed my eyes.



After some time, my series had finally been released....and it had received positive feedback from every one... including some who thought I was the bad choice for the character...." In just two days the first two episodes of the show have always received over ten million views....this is huge especially for a drama of this genre." Mr Choi said as we all cheered..." We need to celebrate this....and also hope that the remain three episodes will receive the same amount of attention.

Well it wasn't long till those were released as well and they also got more attention from the netizens...I was praised for my acting and I started to receive many calls for more roles in the similar biggest achievement was the nomination for the Actor of the year Asian awards( it's a huge deal for actors) ....things were looking well for me and my career and now it was finally time for the big proposal I had spent a long time thinking about....and I had my fingers crossed things went well.





Each and every time I scrolled through my phone, I always met a post talking about Jiang Hao and I couldn't be more proud of him...and his achievements....

" How do I look?" I asked as I stood up and showed off my outfit for the Asian awards....I had worn a beautiful black long dress with a V nexk and slit on the sides...had my hair tied up in a bun and wore white stilettos," You look you been have to ask?" Jiang replied as he walked towards me...." Should I cover you up...I mean what will I do with all those eyes that will be staring at You tonight..." He added as we both laughed...." Let me help you out with that." I said as I got the tie from his hands..I had watched him fidget with it earlier...." Thank you..." He said as I helped him out it on...." Are you nervous?" I asked," For the awards not so much....infact am more nervous about something else." He said as I asked him what it was but he quickly changed the topic...." We should hurry up and leave." He said as he grabbed my hand and rushed me outside.....


