As the soft melody played in the background, we took each other's hands, our eyes filled with love and excitement. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards us," Iam so happy today..." Jiang Hao said as I smiled brightly..." Not as happy as Iam..." I replied..." This is one of the best days of my life....and thank you for making it happen." He added" Thank you for making it happen as well...I love you Jiang Hao." I said said as I looked up at him...." I love you too..." He replied as I leaned in and rested my head on his chest, feeling the warmth of his embrace. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, and the world faded away around the two of us....With my eyes closed, she took a deep breath, savoring the love and happiness that was happening in this moment.

Suddenly, the DJ changed the music, breaking the serene atmosphere. Confusion flashed across my face as I looked up, trying to understand what was happening. Before I could ask, Alia friend, who had been mysteriously waiting nearby, gently pulled me to a seat.

Intrigued and curious, I watched as the dance floor transformed into a spectacle of synchronized movement. The crowd around her burst into a choreographed dance break, moving in perfect unison to the rhythm of her favorite song, "DJ's Got Us Falling in Love Again."

Among the sea of dancers, my eyes locked with Jiang Hao's. as I stared at him dancing with his eyes filled with joy and mine with suprise, Jiang Hao made his way towards me, extending his hand with a mischievous smile. Without hesitation, I took his hand, joining the dance floor with an exhilarating mix of laughter and excitement.

As we all swayed and twirled together, the energy in the room escalated. The audience erupted in applause, their cheers echoing through the air. Jiang Hao and I danced the night away, creating memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.



" this was your idea right!" I said to Alia as I pulled her in for a heart was still racing from the excitement I felt while dancing with every one..." it definetly was.." Eric replied as I thanked all of them for the suprise..." when did you even have time to prepare all of this?" I asked..." Especially you since you were with me most of the time.." I said to Jiang Hao.." we all took off time to practice..." He replied.." Sang yi!" Some one called out as I looked around and saw Jiang Lili..." Lili.." I called out as she ran to me and hugged me..." Congratulations on your wedding.." she said..." Thank you.." I replied..." Well from today Iam your sister and nor his so if he does something to you then let me know...I've been taking judo classes lately.." he added as we all laughed..." Well iam okay with giving her to you sang yi but a little caution..she's a get ready." Jiang has said while mocking Lili as we all laughed..." It's okay....I love chores..." I replied as Lili hugged me with a bright smile on her face.....



" You picked such a beautiful spot for the venues.....nothing says calm and beautiful like beach..." I said to Jiang Hao as we walked by the beach...." I picked it because I knew you would love it..." He replied as we continue walking hand in hand..." It's funny...every one else is at the reception but the bride and groom.." I said.." Well the bride and groom needed some time off alone...." He said as he stopped walking and turned to look at me...." I love you..." He said..." Alot..." He added as I smiled at him.." I love you so much as well..." I replied was he leaned in for a kiss...." I definetly wish to be stuck in this moment...* He said..." As much as I want too...I believe their are going to be many more beautiful moments like this for us to explore... together..." I replied as he stared at me lovingly..." Definetly....who knows maybe the next time it won't just the two of us...." He said as he stared at me mischievously..." It could be us and a mini you...." He added..." Why a mini me...we could also have a mini you.." I replied as he chuckled.." Well Iam okay either way....we could even have more than just one mini me or mini you..." He continued as we both laughed..." Arent you getting ahead of your self Mr Jiang..." I said as he pulled me into his arms...." Iam I..." He replied as I hugged him tightly too...." Sang yi!" Alia called out..." It's time to cut the cake...." She said..." Did you both forget about your own wedding..." She added as we both laughed..." coming..." I said as we held hands and ran back to the reception.

Every thing about that day was beautiful.....





....." can you please hurry up Hana....we are going to be late.." I said to my daughter as she came rushing from up stairs..." what's wrong with your hair?" I asked as I fixed her pony tail for her..." Let's go.." I said as I held her hand to the car.

" dad really not coming today?" She asked as I looked back at her and smiled.." didn't dad tell you that he's busy...but you don't have to worry I'll record everything for him and also video call him for you..later." I replied as she frawned..." It's award ceremony will only happen once and he'll miss it..." He said as I tried to cheer her up but it was all in vein.



" It seems like most parents are already here..." I said as we got to our seats..." How about you take a seat right I pick up this call..." I said to Hana as she sat down...the call was from Jiang Hao.

" Where are you..?" I asked..." Am a little bit stuck in traffic but I'll be there in ten minutes.." he replied.." well you should get here soon before your daughter disowns you..." I said as he chuckled..." Is she angry..." He replied.." Very..she hasn't said a word to me ever since I told her your were busy.." I replied.." Well don't worry..I'll be there soon." He said as I got off the call and went back Inside.



It was our turn to go on stage and receive the certificate...I looked back at the entrance and couldn't see Jiang Hao..." let's go baby.." I said as we got on stage..." and the final award today goes to Jiang Hana....for her beautifully written poem ( MY FAMILY) " the MC said as every one applauded...I looked down at Hana who was still frawning.." Hana..come on smile.." I said to her as she looked up at me and faked a smile..." Stop being sassy..." I said to her as we received the certificate and posed to take a picture..." Hana...!" Some one called our as we stared at the entrance and saw Jiang Hao...." Dad!" Hana called our as she rushed off of the stage into the arms of her dad..." sorry Iam late..." He whispered to her as they both came up on stage for us to take a picture....I looked back at Hana who was smiling as bright as the sun...she is such a daddy's girl....



Jiang Hao being a famous figure...we had gotten used to having him being stolen away from us by his fans..." How did you and dad ever date in public...?* Hana asked.." why would you ask that?" I asked..." I mean weren't your dates interrupted by his fans asking for pics and autographs..." She added...." Well I reached a time and got used to it.." I replied.." Well Iam not used to it and so I'll go and steal my dad away..." She replied to me as she quickly ran and held her dad's hand..." let's go..." She said as she pulled his hand and ran outside with him.....both of their chuckles was all I could hear as I ran behind them.



Later that day, we had to go to Alias place for dinner... because she had an important announcement for us which I kind of has an idea on what it was but I needed to hear it from her....." it's your engagement right?" I said to we set the table..." What engagement?" She replied..." You are going to announce that you and Eric are getting engaged..." I replied..." No no that's not it..well yes we have been having talks about it but we both want to get engaged after we both have settled down which might happen soon since..." She said as Eric and Aaman came in..." Wait for the announcement..." She said to me as she handed me a bowl of soup..." Take that to the table.." she said with a smirk.



" Can I have everyone's attention..." Alia said as she stood up..." Well firstly I would like to thank every one for making it today..." She said and secondly the moment you have all been waiting for..." She added as she asked Eric to stand up besides her..." 321

..boom.." she said as they both showed their rings..." We are engaged.." Alia said as we all applauded.." Wait I thought that wasn't it.." I asked..." Well you almost ruined my announcement so I had to do something about it..." She said as we all congratulated her..." Well theres more...." Alia added as we all paid attention to her..." What's it...the suspense is killing us.." I said..." I got a role in Me chois upcoming movie....The agent..." She said.." And guess what...Iam the agent." She added..." A lead role?" I asked as I stood up and rushed to her..." Yes baby..." She replied as we screamed in eachother's arms..." Well save your screams because there is more...* Aaman said as she stood up...." Iam.... pregnant..." She said as we all turned to her with our eyes widened..." Really?" Jiang Hao asked..." What's that reaction.....?" She asked..." I really Iam..." She added as we all rushed to her and cheered..." Congratulations..* I said as I gave her a hug...." okay is there more good news or should we sit down and eat now because the food is getting cold..." Alia said as we all got back to our seats...." Hana...come and seat over here.." I said to Hana who was comfortably seated on her dad's lap..." it's okay...* Jiang Hao said as Hana smiled mischievously at me...." Let's eat..." Alia said as we all stared to eat...

I looked around me and I couldn't help feel like the luckiest person in the world....I had a loving husband...a beautiful daughter and loving friends and family.....this was more than everything for me....and as much as this story still has a dozen more of pages to write it's self on....I wanted to treasure each and every moment I was having with them as it were the last.....





...... EPILOGUE.......


...." I finally have you to my self...." I said to Jiang Hao as I pulled him in for a kiss...." Let's take it slow..we have the entire night.." he said as he kissed my forehead....and then moved down to my lips...." Mom!" Hana called out interrupting the moment...." Can we just go on and act like we haven't heard her..." I said Jockingly to Jiang Hao who just chucked and kissed my forehead...." Then she'll keep knocking and banging at the door...." He said as he went and opened up for her...." Hey sweetie..why aren't you asleep yet...?" He asked her...." Well I want to sleep with the both of you..." She replied as she found her way inside the room and to the bed....." Aren't you both Coming?" She asked as we both stared at eachother and laughed..." Ofcourse we coming..." We replied as we got into bed with her...." Good night mom and dad.." she said as she kissed our cheeks..." Good princess..." Jiang Hao said to her as she kissed her forehead....." Good night..." He whispered to be as he held out his hand for me to hold....." Good night..." I replied to him as we both went to sleep.





Thankyou for your love and support dear readers 💜