Chapter 4

POV Lee Jones

I turned around and see Spade looking at me he was smiling but he looked mad " HIIIIII Spade" the workers around me looked nervous i wonder why "HIIII Levi" LEVI LEVI WHO THE HELL DOES HE KNOW MY REAL NAME ONLY MY MOM CALLED ME THAT and she's dead and i can't say i hate that " h-how did you find out my real name" he chuckled and his smile changed in to a smirk " have my ways pretty-boy "he said walking up to me and touching my face " why do you have to make me feel short " he laughed " heyyyyyy not funny " " do you want me to bend down pretty-boy" god damn you you are turning east on and doing it on purpose you stupid bitch. okay i need to do work " i need to work-" he cut me off " I am your boss i tell you what to do and when and right now you are coming with me and you will have no complaints " i just nodded then he started to drag me out the room. not going to lie it was kinda hot he just looked like he had lust in his eyes .

he pulled me into his room he pushed my body against the wall he looked in to my eyes as he said " you listen to me no matter what or you will have a punishment you understand me i nodded and said " yes sir" shit did i just call him sir he is going to think i am kinky i mean it's not a lie but what if he doesn't like that stuff my thoughts were cut of by him kissing me it was different than before it was rough and angry he pined my hands to the wall and then started kissing my neck he was leaving hickys all over my neck i couldn't help but to let out little moans he moved back up my neck and kissed me again he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist. he carried me over to the bed he took of his shirt and then pulled off mine he started kissing my neck and then slipped his hand in to my head pants and started rubbing my thigh he then pulled off my pants and whispered in my ear "you like being watched " " speak-k for your self" he smirked and took off his pants i looked up and saw a mirror on the sealing he is such a perv he looked at me and said " in joy the view" he flipped me over and rubbed his penis on my ass he is such a tease.

he then thrusted in to me hard he ran his fingers through my hair and grabbed and pulled it i moan witch only made him thrust in harder i could feel him getting harder inside of me . i don't know what came over me but i moan out "har-der " he listened i couldn't help but practically scream moan . i moaned out " i am c-coming"i could fell the smirk practically radiating of of him as he said "then come with me pretty-boy" and like he said i fallowed his order he flipped me over and licked the cum off of me my legs were practically crushing his head they were shaking like crazy like god damnit can they stop that i look so weak he probably thinks i am weak uhhhhh i am so worthless. he looks up at me with a devilish smirk across his face " did you in joy yourself pretty-boy" i gave him the are you kidding me look he just chuckled like my little jerk he is wait is he mine just mine like i have always wanted wait no he isn't mine i just wish he was that's what my stupid therapist says whatever.

"did you in joy your self player-boy" he did not seem to like what i just said " is that all you think of me i am to you a player some one who is just playing with you till i am tired and throw you away " oh god i should not have said that he looks like he is going to kill me is this why everyone around us looks scared and nervous around him " no i was just trying to give you a nickname i am-m s-sorry i didn't mean it please forgive me please " he got closer to me and said " you are mine and it is going to stay that way you understand me " he said it in a tough rough tone it was kinda hot not gonna lie "yes sir" shit i said sir again he leaned in and grabbed my chin lightly and kissed me this time it was soft i kissed back immediately it is like my body responds to his every move. he pulled away and pulled me into his chest and said "want to watch a movie with me " i smiled and nodded and to my surprise he smiled back and he looked genuinely happy i want to stay hear for ever.