Your Mental Health Buddy

Days had already passed since that night. And more snippets of horrifying imageries kept flashing in front of their eyes, sometimes replaying like a broken record. It's driving them crazy! They didn't even dare leave the apartment. As they already had this foreboding trepidation. That what if some crazy murderer is lurking behind the door, just waiting for the perfect timing that they would finally open it and then he would leap into action, killing them mindlessly as his eyes shone with excitement and pleasure.

Whenever they sleep, they no longer switch off the lights. Because anytime they do, it only reminds them of the room they were taken as prisoners which lacked brightness. Well, that is if they can even sleep because even in their slumber, it hunts them. It never once stopped since that night like a shadow that whatever you do, will always stick to you, following you wherever you go. And it's driving them mad. Their food stocks are running out but didn't have the guts even as far as ordering foods, in fear that the delivery man is a serial killer who targets its customer.

All these crazy thoughts that keep on lingering in their heads seem far-fetched but not if you keep on receiving those unwanted flashbacks they had no idea actually happened in their past lives.

Sometimes they experience a shortness of breath, sort of like choking as they palpitate with beads of sweat rolling down their skins. Restless all the time, feeling like they must always check their surroundings. And literally, they never separate from each other. As being together gives them a sense of security, even just for a bit which barely helps.

It continued for days that they already developed layers over layers of bags and circles under their eyes. And with every flashback that they get, only one remains constant and unchanging, and that is the three faceless men. They don't understand why they can clearly see their own faces but not them. If only they can see them, maybe, just maybe, they could have contacted the police and told them what they look like to know if they actually exist. But that would only make them sound crazy, no one would believe them if they report it now as for them, it never actually happened. Well, in this timeline at least.

One day, Odette said they needed to go see a clinical psychologist, or maybe a psychiatrist perhaps. With the hopes of finding a solution to stop the mental torture that they are suffering every single day.

For the reason that they didn't want to step out of the apartment, they searched online if there are ways to contact one without having to go to the clinic itself. And alas!! There is! A certain site called 'Your Mental Health Buddy.' It is open 24/7 and claims that they have real psychiatrists to cater to the patients. They're supposed to help with anxieties, eating disorders, panic attacks, suicide, and medications. Although they didn't mention anything about the problem they wanted to solve, it's still didn't hurt to try it.

Before signing in, they took care of themselves that had already become disheveled as the days filled with anxiety went on. Looking barely presentable, they started the video call. And a woman in her mid 40's appeared on the screen. White streaks can be seen in her black hair which was neatly tied into a ponytail. She has gentle light blue eyes, and her smile is so warm, almost relaxing.

"Welcome to 'Your Mental Health Buddy!' I'm Dr. Milani Clemintine, how can I help you?" her gentle approach made the couple at ease.

"I'm Odette, and this is Zach. We're… we're in a situation which might sound crazy but we honestly hope you can help us."

They told her the predicament they're currently in. And unlike their fear that what if she will only think of them as crazies and have to be kept inside a mental asylum, or that she will look at them with disgust for the nonsense they are spewing but no. She instead remained as gentle as she started. She didn't judge them at all.

"What have you tried so far?"

"Does anyone in your family have a psychiatric history?" she would throw them questions every now and then.

In the end, instead of the desired solution they're hoping for. They were instead given a referral to the nearest clinical psychologist as their situation needed more than just a video call. But even if they were both disappointed with the result, they somehow felt relieved, even for just a little bit. They've been carrying this burden for days, with no one to talk to. But when they somehow managed to voice it out to Dr. Milani, they felt a part of it gone.