Can’t Go Undefended.

After the video call ended. The room has become eerily quiet. The only sound that can be heard is the monotone beeping from the site that has yet to be logged out and their subtle breathing. Along with the flickering green light at the bottom right corner.

Dirty mugs all over the place, some were on the coffee table, some on the floor, some are at the sink together with the unwashed dishes that has already piled up into a mountain. The apartment that used to smell like Odette's coffee-scented perfume has now become quite funky due to the trash that has already overflowed from the bin. Barely any light passed through the windows as they were kept shut the whole time.

The only saving grace is that you can still see the floor. If anything, it is still considered clean taking into consideration the paranoia they were experiencing day and night.

Sitting on the sofa with their feet up, afraid that someone or something might suddenly seize their foot and drag them somewhere. Unconsciously holding their breath as they loomed over the referral they got from Dr. Milani, telling them that they needed to personally visit the clinic.

That was not the response they were hoping for. It's not what they want but they needed it. They both understood that the said psychiatrist bore them no ill intentions, if anything, it's the opposite.

Had it been just like before. Or maybe had it been any other people, they would have been thankful to be given such a referral but they just can't bring themselves to be grateful.

Because they are very much aware that following the doctor's advice meant going outside the apartment. That they will have to face whatever monster is awaiting for their demise. The little hope they had when they were still logging in the site began crumbling. The feeling is akin to that of being submerged deep into the dark ocean floor as you helplessly flail your limbs to reach the top. You can almost feel your lungs burst due to the lack of oxygen. And when you're finally almost out, in a flash, something caught your foot preventing you from reaching the surface.

Or something like being trapped inside a building that was set ablaze. The smoke started to spread. The temperature began to rise. If anything, due to the desperation to survive, you crawled your way out. Even with the very low visibility, you crawled and crawled as you hoarsely shout for help, hoping that someone might hear you but since you're located at the core of the building, no one came to help. Slowly and painfully feeling the sensation of your lungs being constricted from suffocation. But the thought of you being burned alive is on a different level of terrifying that you would rather gamble your chance of survival.

Finally, you saw a window not too far away from you, an exit. You can see the dark sky outside with the absence of the stars, even the moon was covered by the clouds. A lonely night indeed. But the sight of that one window along with the white smoke hovering wickedly at the background promptly looked so enchanting. You couldn't see anything but that. Like it is inviting you to come. Just waiting for you. Like the light at the end of a very dark and narrow tunnel. It's giving you that much hope.

But when you reached it, finally after so much painstaking effort. You opened it excitedly like a kid opening his Christmas present. You found out that you are many floors above the ground. Jumping means death. It's a dead end. The hope you saw is just an illusion. A fake! It's actually just you fooling yourself with a false sense of hope. Deep down, you are aware that all this time, you were only holding onto a lifeline that never even existed in the first place.

"Should we go?" Odette was the first to break the dreadful silence. Her reddish-brown orbs, visibly shook as she stared at him. But despite her words, inside her head, she's actually hoping that Zach would say no.

"As much as I'd like for us to just stay cooped up in here. We need help." Again, silence loomed over them. As fear slowly gets its way unto their hearts, caressing it ever so gently. They felt their guts turn into knots making them nauseous.

"But we can't go undefended," he added.

Their fear is great, yes, but they're desperate. Desperate to get out of this hellhole. They decided to bring with them a weapon of some sort that they don't really have. They don't even know any self-defense. Somehow, they felt like soldiers going to war with their guns unloaded.

A pepper spray, kitchen knife, and a hammer. With Zach's idea, they decided to put all these in their school bags. They will have explaining to do once the security finds them out. Wrapping the knife in a jacket. While the hammer is in Odette's bag wrapped in a Halloween costume. So that if ever they got busted, they will just say they will make a youtube video. A suspense thriller, that is.

But they knew that things couldn't be as easy as ABC. Security guards aren't dumb. It wouldn't be easy to fool them with just a scheme concocted by a mere child. They're professionals and they have been doing their job for ages. Not to mention their meager acting skills. They'll be busted before they even knew it.

They are aware that what they are about to do is something they shouldn't do. Heck! They might even spend the night in jail! It's like they were treading on the gray area. But they thought a night at the jail sounded way too cute compared to what they are seeing every single day. The horrifying scenes of them slowly dying day by day.

Checking the peephole for the nth time, they cautiously opened the door after making sure that no one was lurking outside. Without having any second thoughts, they raced towards the street. It's now then time for the waiting game. Just when they're in a hurry, not even a shadow of a taxi can be seen.

"Odette? Good day to you! How have you been since that day? I haven't seen you for quite some time though." the landlord spoke, who happen to be at the same place as them. Probably referring to that one time she had a sleep terror. His almost bald head shone due to the sunlight. Though he only asked about her condition out of goodwill, she still had a mini heart attack. She can feel Zach tightening his grip on her hand.

Despite the uneasy feeling, she still forced herself to muster a small smile, "I… I was doing fine, thank you for that time."

"No! That was nothing! I was honestly worried you know? I really thought there were some intruders. I'm glad you're doing okay now." Instead of replying, she just gave him a meek smile. Hoping that the landlord will catch on that she's not comfortable holding a conversation.

Odette knew, she really did, that the old man is just being his usual self. Friendly and a tad chatty. A caring person who is closed to almost all of his neighbors. But somehow, he looked kinda evil. He sounded to her like he's hoping for an intruder to come to her apartment. Good thing that before he can continue, a taxi stopped in front of them.

While inside the taxi, they never left their hand in their bags, while leaving them half open for easy access. They were also preparing themselves to jump out of the taxi if the driver happens to take them in a different direction. Him, looking at them every time in the mirror does not help at all.

Little did they know, that the driver was also restless because of their odd behavior. Seeing that they never once left their hands in their bags, he was jumping to conclusions that maybe, just maybe, they were only waiting for him to be distracted so they can swiftly strike the blade into his neck. So he sharpened his senses and never once forget to check on them every chance he get. Watching them if they would have a change in behavior. He even readied himself in crashing the taxi when it comes to it. Apparently, he has a habit of listening to a certain radio station that tells stories about the weird things taxi drivers experience. And it is slowly getting into him.

Yes, everyone inside that taxi is paranoid.