Nian lie, is that you?

Ning Qing cried out in horror.

"Wuwuwu ..."

However, the man's arms were extremely strong. He grabbed her waist and dragged her away.

When Yan Sichen heard her voice, he immediately stood up and accidentally knocked something over, scattering it all over the floor.

"Qingqing, Qingqing, are you still there?"

"Where are you!"


No one responded.

Ning Qing's eyes were filled with darkness, and her heart was beating like thunder.

She forced herself to calm down, but when she smelled the man's scent, she felt dizzy.

She was very familiar with this aura.

The man didn't take her too far away. In a dark corner, they could even hear Yan Sichen's shouts.

He let go of her. Ning Qing suppressed her fear and asked, " Zhenzhen, Who are you? "

He did not respond.

Ning Qing panted. Nian lie, was it you? "

Suddenly, he grabbed her neck and forced her to look up.

Before she could scream, a hot kiss landed on her lips.
