Nian lie, don't be crazy anymore (1:

His logic was a mess, and ning Qing thought he was talking nonsense.

She met his eyes.

His eyes were clear and cold.

"Nian lie, don't go crazy."

His hands were stiff.

I don't know why you've come to me now, " ning Qing said. but you've seen it. I've decided to start my life anew.

Nian Xi's eyes were so red that they looked like they were about to bleed.

He squeezed out each word through gritted teeth. I, don't, believe!

Compared to his excitement, ning Qing was too cold.

"Whether you believe it or not, I'm already doing that," she said.

Nian lie glared at her. After six years, he could see through her coldness.

Facing such a burning gaze, ning Qing did not have any other reaction. you've said it before, too. You want me to forget everything that has happened in the past and start a normal life again. I've agreed now. I'm willing.

Nian lie was not having it.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to restrain himself from hurting her.