Magic book

*Pit-pat, pit-pat, pit-pat

In a particular castle in a certain kingdom. if you were walking in one of the many halls inside the said castle, you would see a young eldrasie, running as fast as his fat little legs would carry him.

"Drakai, get back here." A sweet voice filled the hall. A stunning woman with red hair could be seen walking around the corner that the young eldrasie had just run around.

"No!". Why was he running from the women? Because it's his mother, and he just stole the only magic book inside the castle. In the eldrasie culture practicing magic was frowned upon. They thought of it as a weak path to go down. And weakness was the worst quality for an eldrasie to have.

Drakai, the main protagonist of the story, has been busy ever since being born, studying the language of the people he was born to. And learning of the world. But, unfortunately, he was born into the one race that disliked magic the most.

"What is this bullshit? These people are worse than my slave owners like what's so wrong with learning magic, at least let me learn the basics." The young eldrasie thought while a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"You know full well that your father doesn't want you to learn that crap if I have to keep chasing you, there will be no dinner tonight." The young boy stopped. Wearing a pained expression, he turned on his heel and held the book out. "Food is more important than magic."

After being a slave for five years, the drakai had a food complex. It's only normal since he died from malnutrition and being overworked. After being in the world for two years after being born, he had learned a little bit like the eldrasie people were rather against the idea of books, which royally pissed of the young eldrasie because, with no books, the only way to learn anything was through oral communication.

Which sucked because, to drakias dismay, his father was a baron and his mother was a baroness. And being part of the noble faction, his father was always away doing something.

"Is she a psychic? How did she find out? I even woke up early as not to get caught."

"You know better than this, I won't tell your father because you decided to listen, but next time I won't spare you the punishment that comes from such disobedience."

"Yes, ma'am, I understand." Feeling disheartened, he handed the book back to his mother and started walking back to his room. He got back and was about to open the door. Once inside, he climbed on his bed. " Damnit how did how did she find out? What's the point of being sent to a magic world if I can't learn magic."

Since being born, other than learning the language, he learned where he was and some other things of importance. Like, the name of his world was jakraa. On jakraa, there were many races, ten in total.

The first race that he learned of was his own, the race he was born into. The Eldrasie peoples, the only race to actively choose not to practice magic as a whole. The majority of the population was comprised of magic warriors and mortals.

The second was that magic was very prevalent in this world, and the strange energy that he felt in his solar plexus was something that everyone had since birth. The only thing was that no one could use or see it until it was fully formed, which happened at the age of 15, which also means that drakai is out of the norm, they couldn't see it but Drakai could, whenever he concentrated on younger people he saw small blue flecks that would go into what was called a Mana-Sphere.

Which made drakai even more pissed at his situation, because he could not use magic because if he did anything else other than move his mana around, he would lose his Mana-Sphere for the rest of his life. The act of casting magic before your core was fully formed resulted in your Sphere being completely drained. The other thing he learned was that the energy itself was called mana.

Other than that, there were other races, but his father didn't go into detail about it. "My core keeps getting bigger by the day, although it's still tiny." His Mana-Sphere was only the size of a ping pong ball. But the most important thing he learned was that nobody knew about the Clear-blue flecks that he could see going into his core, and on top of that bit of information, he learned to actively force more of it into his Sphere to speed up its growth. Doing this had side effects though, he would start to get a massive headache if he did it too long in one sitting.

Also, another mystery was the golden place he could enter at will. Nobody had brought it up when he asked questions about magic. "I need to figure out a way to get my hands on that book. Not knowing is driving me crazy." Shortly after that, he fell asleep.



"Oi boy, get up me, and your mother needs to talk to you."His fathers ruff voice sounded.

Groaning, the drakai gets up and puts on a tunic. The eldrasie people favored thick woolen clothes due to the fridged weather of the continent Vansk, the land of the eldrasie. In vansk, the temperature never goes above freezing. Because of this, it's tough to keep places warm in vansk. Although that's primarily due to the stubbornness of the eldrasie and their desire never to use magic, if they use magic, they would be able to keep the place warm very easily.

Rubbing his eyes as he walked down the hall, he met his father in his study. His father was sitting down on a furry chair made with some animals pelt. And his mother was standing to the left.

*Ahem* Clearing his voice, his father spoke. "A couple of things have popped up that your mother and I have to take care of.

We will be going on a trip for some critical matters. During the time that we are gone, we have determined that it is time for you to start learning how to fight like a proper eldrasie. Our family has, and always be strong warriors, the name Braden has existed as long as the eldrasie people have walked on this planet!"

"Fuck yeah, with both of them gone, I can finally get my hands on that damn book and actually learn something."

A smile breaks out on his face, just thinking about all the stuff that he will learn from the book. "Good! I told you he would love to learn Saraa. He is our son, after all."

"I think your mistaken, Dov. He has never once shown any interest in that stuff. As soon as he could talk, he has asked about nothing other than magic-related questions." Dov shook his head.

"Nonsense, he has eldrasie blood in him. Of course, he wants to learn how to fight, isn't that right, boy."He looked at his son with a threatening face.

"Yes, absolutely, father, I will not let you down." Putting on his most heroic face, as to look impressive." It wasn't a total lie, as learning to fight had been on his list of things to do.

It's just that learning magic was first on his list, and this current development meant he would be able to hit two birds with one stone.

"Good, that's my boy." Letting out a hearty laugh, Dov dismissed his son. Leaving, the last thing he saw was his mother raising an eyebrow at him.

"Woman won't leave me alone." Thought drakai as he left. After spending so much time with her, he did love her, but she was constantly watching her which didn't allow him to do much.


The next couple of days were uneventful for the young eldrasie, his mother and father hadn't left until now, and with them, out of the picture, the young eldrasie was planning out how to take the book from his father's vault without being noticed bot the guards that roomed the place. Finally, after dinner, when everyone was fat and lazy, he decided that he would pull off the heist.

After everyone had their fill and was tired from the large meal, drakai snuck out of his room. Looking around each corner before going around them, he eventually found himself in front of his parent's vault, which kept all of their magical items and money. It was a simple-looking door, that's if you knew nothing about it.

The door was caulk-full of magic protections. That was designed by one of the few wizards that actually existed in vansk. The key to open it was the blood of anyone with the blood that flowed through his veins. Drakai figured this out when he saw his father cut himself and saw blood gush all over the door.

After seeing that, he became curious about the nature of the door and decided to do the same. It worked and opened up for the young eldrasie. Being surprised that it worked, he went in and was greeted by the sight of gold and jewels. After being caught with the book once, he figured that his parents would put the Magic Book inside the vault, figuring that their child could not get at it.

"Here we go. I will finally be able to see and maybe learn something from that damn book.

Being as quiet as possible, he snuck up to the door. Looking around, he took one of the small knives that he had taken from dinner and made a small cut on his finger. Then, taking his finger, he put it on the door. The door started to light up and glow. just like it did the first time.

"Shit, how long is this going to take? This is lasting way longer than when I did it last time." Getting nervous, he began to take steps back to run away if necessary. *Click* The door swings open with a deafening sound. "I thought I was almost done for there." Looking around to see that nobody was looking or spying, he slid inside.

Inside there were magic weapons and gear that his parents used on missions that required muscle. They were all mounted on dummies and put on full display, besides the various amounts of magic gear. In addition, there were glowing crystals littered all around the place. Being curious, the young eldrasie picked one up. As soon as his hand made contact with it. He started to feel strangely powerful.

"What the hell is this thing?" Starting to form a hypothesis, Drakai takes the crystal, places it near his solar plexus, and begins breathing. The crystal starts to glow. And at an alarming pace, the crystal begins to disappear. Watching this development, the young eldrasie looks at his core. "This must be made of the same stuff as the clear-Blue flecks that I keep forcing into my stomach.

"My core is growing at an alarming rate." Putting the crystal in the pocket of his tunic. He made his way around the big vault looking for the magic book.

"Now, if I was an anti-magic person, where would I hide a magic book from my rebel son?" Smiling, he looks at a rather non-conspicuous chest lying with some blankest on top of it. He opens the top, and inside, there are a couple of things. The first thing he sees is a dagger and a pendent. Other than that, there are more of those glowing crystals. He digs through it for a second and finds what he went through all that trouble for.

"Finally, I found the damn thing." A creepy smile broke out on Drakais face at the sight.

The young eldrasie leaves the vault with the book . And if one were to look at his pockets they would be slightly glowing.