
Peeking around the corners and looking for any signs of life, a 4'0 child with bronze skin, brown hair with red hues, and bloodred eyes could be seen sneaking around. "I think nobody saw me." The young eldrasie thinks to himself as he slips into his room.

Shutting the door and locking the lock. He climbs onto his bed with his booty. Taking the book and placing it on the bed before him.

"Please have something decent in here." He prayed with his hands clasped together. He looks at the book and tries to open it. But it won't open no matter how hard the young eldrasie pulls on it.

"Maybe?" Drakai starts to circulate his mana inside himself. He brings it to his fingertips and touches the book with it. A slight *ting* can be heard, and the book opens up without any fuss. "I am a genius, one of a kind." Smirking, he looks down at the book.

[Biggners Guide to Basic Magic]

'What the hell? This is exactly what I need." Laughing, he goes to the first chapter and begins to read.

[Mana-Control] Mana-Control is the act of circulating mana through your blood, bones, veins, and other body parts. This act will make you temporarily stronger than usual, or if you do it to your brain more intelligent, although it only becomes noticeable after one becomes a mage. Mana circulation is the primary way to learn martial arts, for it is the foundation of all martial arts. If one wants to learn martial arts, one needs to master basic mana control.

It continued for a little while more. "I need to write this down and copy all of this before my parents come home. Looking at the desk in the corner of his room that has been left unused for whoever knows how long, drakai gets up and opens one of the many pull-out drawers pulls out some paper and a feather pen and starts to copy the book to the best of his ability.


Soft knocking could be heard from the young eldrasies door.

"Young Master, you touter for learning the basics of fighting, is here." One of the maides had come to awaken the young eldrasie. Unfortunately for him, he stayed up too late, both copying the magic book and trying the mana circulation method that it had.[Mana-Manupulation] The most basic technique and also very easy to learn. With it being so easy to understand, drakai had already committed to memory.

*Knock Knock Knock* This time pounding on the door, the maid shouts. "YOUNG MASTER, YOUR TEACHER FOR THE MONTH IS HERE."

"Okay-okay, I'm up." Sighing while sitting up, drakai slides a clean tunic on, brushes his teeth combs his long brown hair with red hues. And gets ready to leave his room. Glancing at the book that was left right in the open, he decides to hide it under the bed in the darkest corner. Nodding in satisfaction, he leaves.

"Young master fallow me he is out in the courtyard."

"Okay, lead the way." Fallowing the maid, he finds himself outside.

Standing at what Drakai assumed to be 9'0 feet tall going off his father, which he knew to be 8'1. There was an absolute monster of a man. His hair was rather strange and out of the norm. It was dark black. Not only was he tall, even by eldrasie standards. But the amount of muscle on him was no joke. However, he wasn't quite the size of his father, but his biceps was larger than his waist for sure.

"What is it with these people? What did their mothers feed them, although I am rather tall my self." Drakai was big for being only two. Granted, being two was older than a human two-year-old. Because Eldrasie people reach full maturity at the age of 10. But compared to humans, a 4'0 tall two-year-old was unheard of.

"Hello, little one, my name is Jack. I will be your instructor for the next month while your parents are out on their mission. Your father and I are friends. We used to serve in the military back in the day. He asked me for this favor, which I happily accepted. If your anything like your father, you will be a joy to teach."

"Shit, I'm nothing like my father." The young eldrasie started to sweat already having failed his new teacher's expectations. He felt kind of let down.

"Hello sir, my name is drakai. I'm sure you already know that. I am happy to learn from you." Putting on his most deadpan face, he stuck his hand out so he could shake his teacher's hand.

"Shittttttt, I'm not human, handshakes aren't a thing in the eldrasie culture, how could I bee such a basic creature?" Trying to play it off cool, he shook his hand in the middle of the air as if he was stretching. Then he did it with the other hand.

"You done now?" Raising his eyebrow, jack smirked at the funny little eldrasie in front of him.

"Yessir, I am ready." "that's one weird-ass stretch you were doing, but if it works, it works." Jack shrugged. "Alright, first thing first is losing all that baby fat, you call yourself an eldrasie, but you're weaker than an average chicken. Feeling embarrassed by Jacks' words, he just nodded his head. Alright, ten laps around the courtyard, then I want to see some pushups and squats, with more focus on the squats, unlike people who like to think legs are just as important as legs.

Nodding with enthusiasm he started to run. "Ten laps is nothing. This will be a breeze."

"Wait, I didn't say go yet." Frowning drakai turns around. "Did you think it would be that easy?"

Pulling a pillar out of nowhere, the giant pillar slams it into the ground." "What the fuck? How did you do that!"

"Do what?"

"Do what he says, obviously pulling a 1-ton pillar out of his ass." It's what drakai actually wanted to say. What he actually said was.

"Pull that pillar out of nowhere, sir." Drakai put on a fake smile.

"Ohh, like this?" And the next second, there were some crystals out of nowhere next. Drakai gritted his teeth in jealousy.

"Yes that, how do you keep doing that?" "It's called a Dimension Ring, or most commonly called a D-Ring, but that's not the main focus. The thing you need to focus on is this pillar.'

Commuting what he had just learned to memory he asked the following question he had on his mind.

"Just one more question, sir, what are those glowing rocks?"

Sighing, the man spoke. "These are Mana-Crystals, they grow close to Mana-Vents, and before you ask, Mana-Vents are just as they sound, natural vents that release mana.

These are used to power artifacts temporarily." Jack said. Turning his head, he looked at the 12-foot tall pillar next to him. Slapping it, he says. "Now, this bad boy, you're going to love it. This is called a Gravity-Artifact. Its self-explanatory is effects gravity."

"I see. With my luck, there is no way it would be that easy."Drakai was a little frustrated.

Continuing on his speech. " I will set the gravity to 2 times the normal gravity. It going to feel like carrying yourself on your back while running."

A wide grin breaks out on Jack's face. Tossing some of the crystals into the pillar, which had a little door attached to it. It started to hum and then vibrate. Then it felt like a huge weight was drooped on drake's shoulders. Kneeling from the sudden pressure, he growled.

"Damn, what the hell? This pressure is crazy." Sweat already starting to form on his brows he began to run.

At first, it wasn't that bad, but around the third lap, he really started to feel it, and by the fourth, he felt as if his legs were going to fall off.

"Keep pushing, boy, you won't get stronger if you choose to follow the easy path. Pain is what makes us stronger, and strength is what sets us apart from the rest of the world," Jack spoke as he watched the boy struggling to run.

"Any moment now, those eldrasie genes should kick in." Jack thought silently to himself. Drakai kept running, and around the eight laps, he was feeling sick to his stomach. "What the hell? Why is he struggling so hard." Jack was starting to get worried about the young eldrasie.

Just when drakai was about to collapse, he started feeling better, then better turned into pleasure, pleasure then turned into ecstasy. The eldrasie people have been blessed with a unique brain and body, what sets them apart is as soon as they feel too much pain, their body goes into overdrive, releasing endorphins about 20 times as much as the average human, not only that but their nervous system starts releasing white blood cells at an accelerated pace, effectively making them stronger the more pain they experience. Although this is powerful, it does have its limits.

Because of their incredible brain and body constitution also heal twice as fast as an average human. Granted, it's not that special when compared to an elf's healing ability which is off the charts compared to routine healing.

"What the hell is this feeling? I feel alive." Drake's eyes started to glow, not a lot but enough to be seen.

"There we go. I was starting to get worried that he was a halfling for a second." Jack thought to himself. Drakai started to sprint the gravity began to feel less and less heavy. he completed the laps and looked back at jack.

"Do you realize now what I meant?" "

Yes...I do. I have never felt this alive before."Drakai smiled.

Nodding, Jack looked at the gravity pillar. "Now it's time for the body exercises. Get going."

Drakai dropped to the ground and started repping pushups. It felt like he had an endless amount of energy coursing through his body, making him push himself harder than he had ever done. Rep after rep, he didn't run out of energy.

"Now do the same amount of squats, and after that, situps." Complying drakai started to rep out the sets like nothing.

After doing the exercises, he sprang up and started to jog in place. "What now, sir? What should I do next."

"Eager are we? We might be the race with the strongest body, but do you think such an ability wouldn't have an after-effect?"

"Wha-." Drakai started to speak. But he collapsed on the ground. And started to convulse. After the convulsing, it felt like his brain was splitting in half. And he began to scream and then passed out from the pain.

"See you when you wake up, little one." Chuckling to himself, Jack called for a maid.

"Yessir?" "Take this boy to his room and ready a bath. He kinda stinks." The maid picked him up with one hand and carried him to his room.

Four hours later, the young eldrasie woke up with a killer headache.