Warm Floors?

Waking up drakai felt pretty good considering what he just went through. He figured he was force-fed one of those Regeneration potions. While the images of the fight played through his head, he got out of his bed and looked at the mirror.

His hair was growing pretty long; it was down to his shoulders. The texture was really thick, almost like fur. He started to comb it, which was a task. After it was relatively straight, he put it in a ponytail. "I lost control again. My lack of control makes me weak." Drakai was angry that he got injured. After seeing how quickly they died from simple attacks, he was mad at his inability to not get hurt by such weak monsters.

If he couldn't even defeat a group of goblins without getting an injury, how would he take out something like a troll? Sitting down in a criss-cross position, he began to think about the fight, and he soon felt the same rage he felt during the fight. His eyes started to glow, but instead of taking to the same intensity, he controlled it to the point where he couldn't even feel it.

He planned to get used to the rage and be able to keep a straight head while being in the state of Dolor-Tas. Such a thing would take much practice. But he didn't want a repeat of yesterday. The days passed quickly for the young eldrasie. Jack saw a difference in his student, it seemed as if he was taking his training much more seriously, and pretty much every time jack saw him, his eyes would be slightly glowing, albeit barely noticeable.


Today Drakai's parents would be coming back. Having copied everything that the book had to offer, the young eldrasie was currently sneaking back to the Braden family vault. It was early in the morning. Everyone was sleeping. He wasn't bothered once on his trip, and he got into the vault quickly. Once inside, he put the book back in its proper place he started to leave back to his room.

Walking out into the hall, he made his way back.

"Drakai?" "ahhhhh" Screaming, he jumped to the side and put his fists up into a defense position. "Mom? You scared me. what are you doing back so early?"

"We teleported here using an artifact. Now mind telling me why you are up so early?"

Laughing nervously, drakai started scratching his head.

"I couldn't sleep, that's all." Drakai hoped she would buy it.

Looking at her son up and down, the tall eldrasie woman squeezed his cheek and kissed his forehead. "Go to bed, little one."

"Okay, mom." He soon fell asleep walking to his room, waiting for the morning to come and his last day of training to finish.


In a castle far away from the Bradens residence, a tall eldrasie man was sitting on his throne. This man had deep Blood-Orange eyes and dark brown hair going down to his waist. His hair was unruly and thick. His skin was slightly darker than the norm. But the most prominent feature was his height. He was a genuinely massive man at 12 feet tall. He was a rarity among rarities. This man is one of the three kings that reside in vansk. Looking to his left, his son was waiting for his father to speak.

His son was not even close to his height. In fact, he was below average at 7 feet tall. Yet, although all through his size wasn't a match for his father, his looks indeed were, he had one of the most beautiful faces to grace the land of vansk, with long flowing golden hair and pale wheat-colored eyes.

"Son, why do you choose to embarrass me? Why won't you just do as I wish? By choosing not to sacrifice your sphere and become a magic warrior, you turn your back on all of your brethren." looking up, his eyes started to glow and had a tinge of red in them.

"Father magic simply interests me more than swinging a sword around my entire life. I have no wish to turn my back on my brethren, but if you insist on lecturing me when I am simply following my heart. Then it is not me who has turned my back but everyone else for not supporting me."

Looking very sad, the king looks at his adviser to his left and makes a pained expression. "You are of age, your sphere has formed, and you are now officially an adult eldrasie which means that you can make this decision.

But I am also a king, and I can not have those that would ruin the tradition and culture of our people in our midst. Therefore, as the king, I banish you from vansk. Worry not, as your father, I still care for you, and I will pay for the voyage to another kingdom.

The young prince's world fell from underneath his feet. Looking at his father who had his head turned and wasn't even bothering to look at him, he realized that he wouldn't fit in here no matter what he did. "Yes, father... goodbye." Then, being escorted by a couple of his father's guards, they led him to a carriage and told him to wait there. They would bring him provisions and enough money to last him for a while.

In the carriage, tears started to fall on the ground. "Damnit, eldrasie men don't cry." He was sad at first, but then he started growing angry, and his eyes started to glow. "You wanted me to be a warrior father? You wanted me to sacrifice my sphere?. I will not do that, my Mana-Sphere is a gift that I will not so easily abandon, but there is one thing I will do that you asked of me, I will become the greatest warrior to have ever walked on this planet!"

With a firm goal, the eldrasie prince finally had a goal and knew what he needed to do to achieve it.


Back inside the castle, the king was poring over many piles of paper. Most of them were complaints that he just needed to sign. "Vance, come here. I need you to do something." His head adviser that had been standing in the corner and looking at one of the detailed maps that hung on his majesty's wall, hurried over.

"Yes, Lord Jakre?" Looking at his adviser right in the eyes. he started to speak.

"The Nobles contest will begin soon, and I am too busy to set up the details this year. I will need you to fill in, also inform my daughter I need her to be prepared nobody must defeat her. If you need to increase her training twice-fold. I will not have another one of my children embarrass me; I have had enough letdowns this year."

Nodding, "Yes sir, I will see to it.' The adviser quickly left the room to complete the tasks that were given to him. hurrying through the halls, Vance stopped in front of a door and knocked lightly. "My highness, I need to speak with you. Your father has urgent news." Opening the door, a cute girl walked out. She had a very unusual hair color. It was dark purple to the point where it almost looked black. She was slightly more pale than most of her race. And she was about 5 feet tall.

"Yes, Vance?" She asked in a very soft and meek voice.

"Your father has informed me that the Noble tournament will start soon. You need to step up your training and make him proud. Unlike your brother, he will make sure you turn out to be a success and not a failure."

Walking away with a proud step, Vance made his way to his office to start his paperwork. Back in the Eldrasie Princess room, sobbing sounds could be heard. "He wasn't a failure." Crying at the loss of her brother, she started to resent her father for being cruel to her brother.


Waking up to the sound of wood being chopped, drakai was looking forward to his last lesson. And the implications of having his free time back to do as he wished.

* BANG BANG BANG* Young MASTER, it's time for your training, don't be late on the last day!" The maid shouted.

"Stop banging on my door." He hollered back at the maid.


Crying to himself at the truth of the maids' words, he pulled on a warm tunic and headed down the stairs. "Wait, what the hell." Something was off, and the eldrasie boy couldn't put his finger on it. Dropping to the ground and touching his cheek to the floor, he was astounded. "It's a miracle, a blessing." The floor was warm and not cold for the first time since he was born in this world. The floors he walked on in the morning were warm to the touch. Not only that, but the whole castle was relatively warm.

If one looked closely, you could see a couple of tears fall from the young eldrasies eyes. He was so happy to the point of tears. Then, having to force himself to remove his face from the ground, he made his way out into the frigid weather to meet his teacher one last time.