
Walking out into the cold air, the wind bit at drakai's lips as he made his way to the Braden Courtyard where he would receive his last lesson with Jack. Jack himself was standing in the middle of the courtyard, waiting for his tardy student. "Damn, where is that brat? Why is he like this every day?" Grumbling to himself, Jack finally saw him. "LET'S GO, RUNT." Then, shouting at drakai to hurry up.

Rushing to the middle of the courtyard, drakai already regretted taking the deal from agois, transmigration so far was nothing but training and being told no. The cold kept pissing him off. He sincerely wanted to meet the original; group of eldrasie that thought this place was the right one to colonize and have a word with them.

The cold wind whipping his hair about the young eldrasie finally met up with Jack. He was already pulling the pillar of hell out of his ass once again with a shit-eating grin on his face. "fuck that pillar." Drakai hated the pillar with a passion. It made the training even worse than it was. He would rather just lift heavy weights.

Looking his student up and down, jack nodded to himself. "Look at you! It's only been a month, but all that baby fat is gone, and is that a little bit of muscle I see?" Poking at drakai's arms, The teacher inspected his student. "Well, I spoke to your father today and was impressed by your dedication.

"First off, I didn't have a choice, so don't act as I came here of my own volition, and second that's a lie my father is incapable of being impressed." Drakai dearly wanted to say what he was thinking, but since talking back could get him beat, he reminded quietly, standing waiting for instructions.

Putting the pillar away back in his D-Ring, Jack sighed. "We are not using the pillar today. I just love the look of despair that crosses over your face every time I pull out. No today is the last day of your tutelage, and I have a particular lesson to teach today. Today I will teach you about Dolor-Kai; Dolor-Kai is the second stage of mastery when it comes to Dolor-Tas. Jack had a serious look on his face.

As you know, the first level is just boosting yourself with what seems like unlimited energy. The second level is using that energy all at once. For people that train their control over Dolor-Tas, Dolor-kai becomes less destructive to the body. Typically dolor-tas will just give you a significant headache, and your body will just be extremely sore."

"However, once you use all that energy at once instead of just operating on a slow burn, it pushes your body to the limit of what your flesh can take like an explosion. But the first time is dangerous beyond what you have experienced, but your father also gave me the okay."

Pulling a bright, shining purple liquid in a vial, he tossed it to drakai. "Keep this in your pocket, it was made by a master class Alchemist and very expensive, but I can't have you dying. So you will need it."

"Why is it that bad?" drakai was nervous, Dolor-Tas's drawbacks were already pretty bad, and he didn't want to experience something even worse.

Jack nodded. "You could die, but the feeling is incredible. After the first time, the chances of dying are decreased by a lot."

"I will guide you through the process and also show you a demonstration. First I will tell you how it is done. When you activate your Dolor-Tas, Dolor-Tas is a reaction to pain and anger. You by now know whenever you have been activating it, it has been because you have been either angry or in pain."

"Anger is the easiest way to activate it, but it is tricky to do that because you can lose control easily, which defeats the purpose of a power boost in the first place. Power without intellect will just lead you to an early death."

"Unlike Dolor-Tas, Dolor-Kai, believe it or not, is the act of control completely. Instead of letting it out right away, you must keep it bottled up, and once it reaches a point where you cannot hold it anymore, you release it all at once. The backlash will become less and less the stronger you're body gets. That's why our race is mostly magic warriors. The natural gift that we are born with becomes stronger every level we climb."

"Oh, that's why these meatheads don't practice magic. I suppose now that I know this, it makes sense why they are anti-magic. They have an easier way to get stronger."

"I will now show you the strength that we get when we master Dolor-Kai." Walking a reasonable distance away from drakai, jack finds a spot about 60 feet away. "Don't blink." Jack smiles when he looks at drakai.

"He is really hyping this up." Rolling his eyes, he watches Jack. Jack gets in a stance, his feet at shoulder-width apart. Suddenly he is in a different spot about 40 feet from where he was.

"What teleportation! That's impossible. That's a mage skill." *BOOM* An explosion rocks the air. The raw power from the sound explosion makes drakai's eardrums explode. He doesn't register this because he is blasted away by the wind pressure and flies a good 20 feet away shortly after. Looking up, he sees the ground cave-in footprints leading to jack are red hot steaming mess in the cold air, the immense strength from both his speed and weight instantly melted through the snow and melted the ground turning it into glass.

Dragging himself to his feet, he has completely lost his hearing from the sonic boom. Not that he cares. He is focused on his teacher with his eyes wide open. He knew that his teacher was fast, but this was way beyond anything he would have expected. His simple movement was enough to make him deaf. He knew that he would receive even worse injuries if he was any closer. The sonic boom itself symbolized the immense speed he had witnessed.

Drakai was truly afraid. He had never witnessed something or someone so strong before. It went beyond what he could comprehend at the moment. But he was not so moved to be swayed from his want to be a mage. It was impressive for sure, but it's only raw strength in the end. He desired something more profound and more personal.

The fear he felt quickly turned to ambition, and ambition turned into a strong desire, he wanted that strength, but he would do it through his own means and not the ones his race was trying to layout for him.

Rushing over to him because jack saw his bleeding ears and his blank look, he quickly brought out an Intermediate potion and poured it down drakai's mouth. Slowly Drkai's hearing came back as his body mended its self with the help of magic and special magic herbs. "Teacher, that was impressive. Words can not describe the power you have shown me,"

Drakai spoke out with a respectful tone. After what he had witnessed, there was no denying the man in front of his respect. He was beyond what drakai could comprehend. Yet, even if he held no respect towards jack, the fear kept him from saying anything out of place. Nodding his head at his disciples' words, jack spoke with enthusiasm.

"That is the power of Dolor-Kai. It is what makes us the strongest race and also the best one, our elven cousins may be better with magic and heal faster, but we are dominating when It comes to raw power. Every soldier is a monster in our army. Every man and woman a weapon of destruction.!"

Simply nodding his head as if he agreed with his teacher, he was actually thinking of something completely different.

"Yes, we are indeed strong physically, but if we were actually the strongest, I believe that the eldrasie people would-be overlords of the planet, and that obviously not the case at all, I think along with the raw muscle mass that these people have the pride to match it in intensity." slightly saddened by his teachers' delusions and even the whole of the countries delusion, what made him sad was the fact that the rest of the world must look at his people as barbarians with no brains.

"Alright, boy, now it's your turn." Pulling the huge punching bag and standing for it out of his D-Ring, he put it on the ground and strung up the punching bag. "Alright, do as I taught you and punch the bag with all of your might." Drakai looked surprised at the words spoken by Jack.

"Will I not break my hand last time I fractured it from a normal hit if the energy is really that intense? So it's better if I just punch the air, right?"

Frowning at drakai, Jack's face looked angry. Gulping, Drakai took a step back. Then, speaking in a low voice, jack looked into drakai's eyes. "Don't be a pussy." Nodding viciously, drakai walked over to the punching bag, checking his pocket for the vial. He was relieved it wasn't broken. The glass was relatively thick, and he was thankful for that.

Walking in front of the bag, he closed his eyes and thought about what made him angry. Delving into his memories, he remembered the mines that he was forced to work at. Fresh in his mind was the pain of having to labor day after day, but even worse was the betrayal from his mother. He remembered the fat boy on the hill with a smile on his face as he looked at his father's slaves, seeming proud of the fact that he was above them.

"Not a single fucking man will claim me as that asshole claimed me ever again." Then, feeling his Dolor-Tas starting to rise, he drew it in but kept it bottled up in the same place as his Mana-Sphere. After a minute, it felt if as a hot dark claw was trying to claw out of him, but he continued to keep it in. Eventually, the feeling got too strong, and he released it.

In an instant, all the energy that he kept pent up in his Solar Plexus Exploded throughout his body. filling him with so many endorphins that he couldn't feel what was happening to his body, every single blood vessel in his body burst wide open.

Leaving all his body battered and bruised, even the veins in his eyes exploded leaving his eyes the same color of his irises, shining brightly his eyes looked as if they were on fire, his muscles all ripped at once wholly tearing them apart. The sudden increase of muscle mass ripped his skin making blood splurt from the wounds.

His bones snapped and broke cleanly, his internal organs all failed at once. The only thing left untouched was his brain.

Not feeling any of the damage that his body was going under, he stomped the ground making the frozen sod break, and threw out the fastest punch he had ever thrown. His arm made contact with the punching bag. His broken arm then completely shattered. After his arm made contact with the bad it exploded from the pressure leaving drakai deprived of his hand and forearm. Only the elbow up was left.

Glancing at his teacher with disbelief in his eyes, he passed out into his mentor's arms. "Well, he actually did it. He definitely has balls, not even I would do something like that." Then, laughing to himself, as he carried drakai back to his room to force-feed him the advanced potion, blood could be seen all over the cold white snow with chunks of flesh and bones here and there.

Days later, Drakai opened his eyes.