
The last thing drakai could remember was his forearm exploding right in front of him and covering the area in blood.

Looking at his arm in apprehension, he started to panic, but he was beyond surprised when he lifted his arm. It looked like nothing had happened at all. He was inspecting his arm with critical eyes while moving his hand to see if the arm was working as it should. "So this is the power of an advanced potion. My limb is completely back after something like that. What type of money does jack have to purchase something like that?"

Getting out of his bed, throwing the covers to the side, he sat on the ground and mediated practicing his Dolor-Tas and Drawing in the clear-blue flecks into his Mana-Sphere. Doing both at once took a lot of concentration. And absolute focus.

After he was done with his mediation, he decided to visit his father. After training for a month with jack, he came to several conclusions. The first was that he was far too weak. He could die from his body's energy. The thought scared Drakai into action. The second was that since the gravity pillar no longer existed, he needed weight to continue training. Finally, he was looking forward to weight, thinking they would be easier than the gravity pillar.

Walking through the many halls of his father's castle, he made his way to his father's office. *Knock knock* Knocking lightly on his father's door, he waited for his father to give him entry.

"Come in" His fathers' rough voice sounded through the door. Walking in, he couldn't see his mother, but he supposed that she wasn't permanently attached to his hip and could do as she wished.

"Father, I need to talk with you." Looking at his boy, he mentioned for drakai to pull up a chair in front of the desk.

"What do you need from me? The only thing you have asked of me up to this point is food and stuff about magic." His father was tired of all the questions regarding magic and was hoping his son was here for something else.

"Does the town have a blacksmith, and if yes, I need something from him." A smile breaks out on dov's face as he gets his wish.

"There is one. What would you need from him?"

"I need to make a particular order. I require a weapon to practice with, and I also have some other things that need to be made for me."

"I am glad you are thinking of something other than magic for once. It makes me happy." Nodding at his son, he pulls out a bag of gold coins and puts it on the table. "This should be more than enough for what you need."

Drakai's eyes widened. "why are you giving me so much money?"

Doc smiled at his son. "Because I want you to continue on the path that you are going down, nothing is more important than personal strength."

"Thank you, dad. Also, is there an empty room that is somewhat big with a window?" Dov furrowed his eyebrows.

"No window, but we do have an empty storage room that you can use. Why? what are you going to do with it."

" I need it to put some of the stuff that I am getting from the blacksmith dad." Dov nodded. Getting up from his chair, he called for his personal guard. Walking, a blonde but rather normal-looking man walked in.

"Vitule, indeed you to take my son into town, he needs to visit the blacksmith. you should be off now, orders take a long time to fill, and you know how busy Galm is." saluting, the young man snaps into position.

"Yessir, I shall see to it at once."

Dov nodded and waved his hand, dismissing them from his office. Drakai grabbed the bag and said goodbye to dov. Then, following his fathers' personal guard, they made their way outside, where there were a couple of Ramlik already attached to some carriages. Maids in the household made frequent stops into town daily, searching for fresh vegetables and whatnot. Tethering the ramlik was the stable boys' job, and it was done every day at the crack of dawn.

The 'boy' Wasn't actually a boy anymore but a young man, but he had been working there for a long time since he was a boy, so that name just stuck, and that's how he was referred to. Walking up to one of the carriages, the cold wind blew their hair about, it wasn't too cold due to it being summer in vansk, but summer in vansk is still below zero and therefore still very cold.

Finally getting into the carriage, they hopped inside and waived one of the drivers down. rushing over, he jumped on the top of the carriage.

"Where to young master?" "We are going to the blacksmith, and we must hurry. It's getting rather late, and we need to put in an order." shaping the reins, the carriage made off in the direction of town.

Clopping on the cobbled stone in the town, he asked his father's guard, "What is this town called? It's only been referred to as a town, but nobody has told me the name of the place it, and I am curious."

Looking at his boss's kid, he sighed. "this town is called revera." Ahh, okay, thanks for telling me, now I know." Passing many shops drakai say all types of business everything from banks t clothes shops here and there.

Finally, coming to a stop, the carriage had arrived at its destination. Hammering could be heard from inside the carriage even before they left, signaling that the place was indeed open and still taking customers. The hammering wasn't coming from the inside of the building but rather the out said. The guard beckoned for the young eldrasie to follow him.

Walking up to the store, they went directly inside. The inside of the building was cozy. There was a friendly fire going in a fireplace, and many animal furs lined the ground, and unlike what most would be led to think, they were not dirty but relatively clean. The walls were made out of dark wood, giving the whole place the feel of a lovely cozy cottage. "

How may I help you?" A young woman with a kind smile on her face greeted them when they walked inside.

Drakai, presently surprised by the warm feeling that the place was giving him, was already in a good mood from the warmness of the area alone. " Ahem, yes, are you one of the blacksmiths, and if you are, I need to place a couple of orders."

Nodding at the duo, she spoke up. "I am one of the blacksmiths here, and I can take our order."

Drakai smiled. "That's great, the things I need are rather simple in design, but you probably have never made anything quite like it before. Do you have any paper that I could write on?"

"Yes, one moment." Ducking under the desk she pulled out a couple of pieces of rough paper and some charcoal sticks.

"You can write on these."

Walking up to the counter, he took the pieces of paper and started to sketch designs for weights. The only reason why he knew what weights looked like was because of his mother in his past life. She was a stripper and needed to keep her figure for the guests at the club that she worked out. The weights were the easy part, but he also needed a weapon to train with.

He liked the idea of the giant sword, but it was too top-heavy, and it was slow, and being slow could get you killed very quickly, he remembered how fast jack was, and he also understood how much of an advantage that type of speed would give him in battle. So he wanted the giant sword, but he also wanted speed. Unfortunately, those things usually don't go hand in hand. This predicament left drakai quite stumped.

He was still stumped when he got a brilliant idea. He started sketching right away. He earned his vision from some of the soldiers practicing in the courtyard with a staff, their movements were swift, and they twirled it around their bodies with extreme speed. The sword was pretty top-heavy, so he would fix that issue by marking the other side just as heavy.

Feeling proud of his idea, he handed the lady at the desk his papers. She looked through them. First, she just nodded, but on the last page, she stopped. "Are you sure that you want us to make this? It looks rather unpractical."

"Ah yes, it does, but that's only if you use like you would use it like a normal sword. But, I am sure that I want this. I appreciate your concern. Now, how much do I owe you for these?"

Looking at the little eldrasie with her eyebrow raised, she spoke in a condescending voice.

"5 gold will be enough for the first order and for the weapon that will cost you 30 gold coins. But, as you know, weapons are harder to make." Nodding, drakai pulled out the amount that he owed the lady.

"And when will my order be complete, do you think?" Then, pausing for a second to think, she looked at drakai. "A week should do it."

"Okay, sounds good." Waving at the women as he walked out of the store, drakai was all smiles and couldn't wait for the coming week.